Monday, February 28, 2005

stargates for 2005

A new angellike cloud manifestation?-angel story

Today as I drove along at Nambucca heads there had been a car accident. A police car had crashed into a tree-quite shocking. An 83 year old woman had died.
As I drove on I noticed, in the sky, something I had never seen before. Soft blue lines as angel secretions (God's fingers) but furled like wrapping and spreading across the sky from the crash site. They weren't chemtrails but softer and more beautiful like flowers. what shall I call them?
Was her spirit entering onto the local atmosphere?

Raphael came in my sleep and gave them the name newarks ( New Arks )

They reminded me of noctilucent clouds

Blood Monad ( angel picture _photo )

Blood Monad ( angel picture _photo )

This photo was taken at Katajuta from an airplane about 2nd Oct 2001.It shows on the left a streak entering into the earth. I estimate it at about 1 km wide. Katajuta is in Central ustralia 50 k west of Uluru and well known as a feminine area. hence the association with the Blood. See previous article about the Blood monad at

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Angel appears in photo at Glastonbell

Angel appears on photo at Glastonbell Easter 97

Here is the photo in question

A group of us were doing the angel dance for Angel Auralia when this picture was taken. It shows some powerful yet gentle light moving down and up.

The dance was on the Hill of Angels (Auralia) at a retreat facilitated by Simon Peter Fuller. On the ground around us was the Aquarian Cross mapped out in rocks. Later at the Essene lunch on the Sunset rocks the Aquarian cross shape appeared in the clouds with a face behind it.

Compare the colours in the photo with the colours of the angel signature we used to begin the angel dance below

check angel poems at
and angel questions at

Saturday, February 26, 2005

some more scientific evidence on monads

Note about this at galactic centre where I have been saying monads come from

Discovery of red sprites , blue jets and purple flashes correspond with incoming of Blood monad , Bluestar monad and purple monad. Note the electrical nature of them all.

whaleplug in Mt St Helens


his is what the elohim look like. try to imagine the sound that they might make as they sing the sun rise



Monday, February 14, 2005

fohat and the fiery angels -from Brenda

Fohat and the fiery angels
Something came to me when I read your email today...

When we first started to email, you made a comment that the energies in the northern hemisphere are incarnating and in the southern hemisphere are 'excarnating'. You also commented something in regard to Americans being into the higher chakras because of the incarnating energies.

The concept of 'fohat' has crossed my mind. Do you suppose that Electra brings cosmic electricity (kundalini) to interact with the planetary kundalini of the southern hemisphere? And as a result, a kind of alchemical transformation will be the result, much like the 'sacred marriage' of human and divine or cosmic and planetary? I would say the energy shifting that's gone on within consciousness is all about birfthing the 'divine child' (Christ Consciousness) that is the product of the sacred marriage. It is something that has already happened for some but not for the masses. It seems to me that the opening of the 'world heart' is precursor to giving expression to (5th) and seeing (6th) an opening to the mysteries (7th) for the masses. It's something to think about anyway. That might explain Manitou in the context you're looking for.

I decided to go to a nearby convenience store today. For some odd reason, I glanced at the clock in my car. It was 5:55 pm. I looked out the window and to the northeast was an awesome gift! The sky was baby blue and there were some beautifiul luminous purple, pink, peach and white clouds. the colors were all mixed together. Imagine my surprise...the silhouette was that of 3 dolphins!!! Two were very close together and the third was a little bit above them, like they were swimming in a pod... It was awesome! Today was very warm for Feb. and it's supposed to be in the 60's and 70's for the next couple days. Unbelievable! I closed my windows tonight around 11pm.

One evening last week, the sun set behind clouds of brilliant purple, white and orange and the next evening, the sun was a humongous bright orange globe hanging at the horizon.

Feb. 2 + 2+8, 2+00+5 =19. That led me to Qur'an, surah 74. It's the only time '19' is mentioned in the book. It refers to19 angels that guard the gates of hell. It also ties in with the book of Daniel that says the essence of all angels is that of fire, thousands of them issued forth as a fiery stream from before the Ancient of Days whose throne was like the fiery flame and His wheels as burning fire.

From ed. She refers to 28.2.05. 19 is also the number for the whale consciousness.I have been saying the monad are like whales. here is a rticle and photo of Mt St Helens showing whale shaped plug. This is pointing towards the connection between fire and whales.
about the Fohat

The Night is purple. The day is emerald.

The Night is purple. The day is emerald.

Feb 3
The moon had shades of orange and emerald. I had wondered ‘where was the purple? I woke up realising ‘the night is purple’. Then the purple came into my heart. It was doing some alignment and some bliss. I dreamed of the Goddess. In the morning as the sun came up the emerald entered into my heart.

Feb 9 I was singing in my dream Aya e u; meaning Goddess of sunlight/goddess of moonlight hear me, I beseech you, have mercy

Caveats…agreements .. the Winds of change.

Caveats…agreements .. the Winds of change.

I dreamed of agreements and avicees (welcomes?).

What is a monadic agreement?
Who cares?
What is a group agreement?
What is a group purpose? A pre-birth, activated and sublimated promise to fulfill an evolutionary task in this life-time.

Who is keeping track of the Earth-changes?
Who is keeping track of the Heaven changes?
Who is keeping track of the Angel evolution?
Who has their finger on the pulse of world events?
Where is the evolutionary front?

Would those kindly souls please speak up.

This is not a time for business, for competitiveness. This is the time for sharing. This is the path for soul group enlightenment. Prosperity will come with this sharing.

Thank you

Some scientific sources are coming in relating to monads

Some scientific sources are coming in relating to monads.

This is a Russian lady. She calls monads ‘power surges’ and the angel energies are ‘cosmic rays’. This is her book. Her site is

Songs of the Universe: Resonant Frequencies Comparisons between Cosmic Rays, Earthquakes and World Weather

By: Sorcha Faal (English) $28.00 + $4.50 shipping and handling (US funds)
As bears know when to hibernate, birds know when and where to fly and trees know when to shed their leaves and awake again in the springtime; new research is showing that human beings have also been endowed with many seemingly like magical abilities. Current and historical research into the lives of Feral Children have shown scientists the world over, and over many centuries, that human beings are indeed born with abilities that connect us to our earth, other life and even the Universe. This knowledge combined with current Russian research into human DNA is beginning to show an astounding array of human abilities that there is no other word that can be used to describe them other than magical and miraculous. Further examined are historical occurrences where a very few individuals in power have designed a truly world-world wide system to suppress these inherent gifts in children, of all societies and countries, and the apparent collapsing of these same barriers by a ‘force’ (God?) becoming ever more apparent and from without the sphere of our planet.

Dr. Ed Mercurio from the Natural Sciences Department of the United States Hartnell College talks of the galactic nature of these power surges and their effect on the environment.

“The Effects of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Weather and Climate on Multiple Time Scales” and in which he states, “In this article, evidence is presented that galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are a major forcing agent on weather and climate on multiple time scales ranging from weekly through glacial-interglacial.
Known effects of GCRs are used to explain phenomena and observations in the fields of meteorology, climatology, paleoclimatology and paleoecology.

Evidence is presented that primary effects of increases in levels of GCRs are increases in the amounts of low clouds- especially over the tropics, increases in the albedo of low clouds and decreases of the temperature of and increases of the strength of the stratospheric polar vortex.

This has widespread effects on atmospheric circulation including the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

Other effects of increases in levels of GCRs include increases in relative humidities and surface condensation, possible decreases in average amounts of precipitation and increases in storm intensities (vorticity area index).”

Science daily reports:
Some mysterious source from beyond the Galaxy periodically zaps Earth with high energy cosmic rays from all directions

Saturday, February 12, 2005

purple monad clouds and lightning feb2 and jan 26
purple monad clouds purple lightning

Friday, February 11, 2005

Preventing and minimising disasters -with angels

From this experince referenced in the story I learned that accidents and disasters can be minimalised when there is conscious awareness of the Nature of the Land and its wishing to change. Places have angels, and when a place stagnates or cannot evolve forces are set into operation to crorrect this. Sometimes they are traumatic. By working with the angel Raphael and the angels of place I learned how to be aware of these changes and do something even from a distance.

Story of Heatherbrae and Murrurundi
My angel told me to go to these places, Heatherbrae and Murrurundi. I said they were too far away. I did not know what he was on about.
I had a call from a lady to go to Blandford. I did not know where that was. In the next day’s morning paper the headlines said ’ Fireman’s worst nightmare’. At Murrurundi a café at a petrol station had caught on fire, I opened the page and another story caught my eye. “Woman dies in freak car crash at Blandford’ precisely, at the time of the call to go there. Strangely enough Blandford is very close to Murrurundi, where on the same night another woman had been killed in a car accident. I thought, "There is something going on here”.
I was passing through Heatherbrae that same day so I stopped. I wondered what would happen. When I looked up, I saw a line of telepoles beside a track, going off into the distance, and my clock said 12:12. I thought “It’s all lined up’. Then on the radio I heard the name Raphael, and my ears pricked up. A psychologist was talking. Her name happened to be Beverley Raphael, and, her job was Disaster Management Counselling. Here was three portents so I felt maybe a disaster was in the making here. Within three days there was a train crash nearby, and fortunately no-one was killed.
Unfortunately with such angel interventions we do not know what had been averted, as only one time possibility can happen. Perhaps twenty people may have died without the intervention. There can be no medals or heroes here.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Tobias and the Angel's Trumpets -angel story

Tobias is now thirteen. His mother says ' he is a beautiful boy. Whatever he takes up he masters in no time- artwork, music, archery, -he is an expert on the trampoline-the things he can do are unbelievable - he is daring but scary. But he says “I listen to my angels, If they say ‘that’s too much or too far’ I stop. If they say ‘walk home that way’ I do it and it works out” He used to do colour visualizations and rose meditations. Now he’s thirteen he says “I’m over that’.

I remember the night of his conception. I visited his mother and father. They were making, of all things an angel's trumpet flower essence. The beautiful big bell shaped flowers was there in a bowl of water pure and shimmering. It was evening and a full moon. I said “I’m not touching that’, it would be too strong. But as I left I put in a finger and touched it to my third eye.
I walked home along the dark forest road laughing and cackling to myself, my arms out in front going up and down like a big mouth saying “I’m a crocodile’ and laughing ‘I eat people. I did not know what I meant. It reminds me of the crocodile goddess.

As I went to sleep I eat some people by bringing their spirit into my belly which is like an alchemical pot that transformed them. Then I returned their spirits back to them healed. Very strange!

But what is stranger is that the couple conceived a child that night, and knew it. This child became Tobias.
She said ’the angel's trumpet essence took her deeper and deeper and deeper into the Spirit ocean and she began trance channeling the Goddess of the flower.’ At the birth she had the same experience, so Tobias’s second name became Delamore meaning ‘of the ocean’,

Note the connection here between the angel's trumpet flower and the deep ocean that I am pointing out as associated with the Purple Monad. The children of this soul group are likely to have beautiful powers and abilities, as also will we if we choose to accept and develop them. You may have fear or you may have beauty. Your choice not God’s

This was an example of a conscious conception and a conscious birth.

How can we be conscious in our birth? How can we be conscious in our conception? How can we be conscious in our death?
How can we be conscious in our life changes? How can we be conscious in our planet changes? How do we recognise our planet changes?
And how do we get beyond time to do it?

EmeralD Star monad enters into the Solar system July 2004

THis shows a movie as it enters associated witha X27 class flare, the largest ever

Happenings at galactic centre (scientific)

This is an article about a double of stars appearing and disappearing at the Galactic centre.
My comments
On black holes:
If you cannot see angels, you cannot see angel light and you cannot see angel energy. When it is pure angel energy this will appear to you like a black hole, just as death will appear like a black hole. It is in fact the opposite. And this knowledge will make life worth living.

One of these stars has entered into the angel realm, (gone into the black hole ). This will be the cream colour of the double monad. One has gone into the univers-al space??
What is the effect of this on Earth and on our lifes?

Friday, February 04, 2005

FW: Interesting

;Hello Allan >Your latest e.mail has reminded me that one or two nights before the tsunami I woke in the night and "heard" a low rumbling noise that went on for several seconds: it wasn't a plane (I live under the approach to Manchester Airport) but I immediately thought "earthquake". I've mentioned it to quite a few people, no-one else seems to have heard it but a number of folks were awake a lot in the night a few days before it happened. I wonder whether these sounds are at a frequency that not everyone hears them unless they are "tuned in" in some way. >I find your messages really thought-provoking, thankyou for continuing to inspire me. >All good wishes &

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The purple double monad Dec4

The Coming of the Monads continues.

This image shows the pink monad inside the emerald star monad (ESM) which came this year 2004 These have now settled into our Earth consciousness and I have called the Magic Heart or the Heart of the Magic Body. As an example, on Sat Dec 4th I traveled in North west Melbourne. I noticed I defined out an area centered on Mt Macedon and felt the presence within me of an angel assistant. This defining out of an area is usually a
prelude to the upliftment of that area as it shifts to a higher vibration. The next day Sunday I saw/felt the emerald star monad entering into that area. The next day Monday as I spent the night on Lightning Hill in the Bendigo goldfields a severe electrical storm hit that North west Melbourne area; 40,000 commuters were without street lights and 400 houses needed emergency help due to flash floods.
Here are the emerald clouds Dec 6

This initiated then a series of storms all along the east coast to The Gold Coast where they had 3 inches of rain in one hour, and onto the Sunshine coast. A few days later there was severe flooding in the outback towns of Moree, Narrabri and Wee Waa which had previously been in drought conditions fro several years. The emerald star monad was entering into these areas also. I had forgotten that Mt Macedon was considered the base chakra for the Great Dividing Range and activation of it would activate the kundalini energies for the whole continent.
These events tend to validate to me my theory that it is the coming of the Monads that is responsible for all the weather pattern changes we have been experiencing recently on Earth. You would have to be blinded not to agree that something unusual was going on in the weather.

The Purple and White Monad -- for 2005.
This picture was taken 26th Nov 2004 from 33,000 ft. Here is the first stage of the Purple and White monad entering into earth’ s atmosphere. Three days later it entered into the Earth itself. Here’s what happened to indicate this.
On Nov 29 I was miserable with a cold. Yet at midday I sat up straight and in deep peace for half hour or so. When I went outside there was a circular rainbow around the Sun which went on for an hour or so slowly changing into a snow white circle around the sun.
I then felt it enter into the Earth itself. I just happened to be at Mt Franklin which is an old volcano crater, and of a circular pattern The next day, where I live it was the hottest on record, and a pod of pilot whales became stranded on a Tasmanian beach. The monad may have interrupted their magnetics. Here it is again

This is what this years Monad will look like.

I suggest it is a double much like a double flower specifically like a flower called angel’s trumpet, sometimes devil’s trumpet as it is poisonous. I have seen such a beautiful large trumpetflower with deep purple outer and snow white inner and the whole plant covered in a purple wax. This monad promises to bring new powers to us on Earth and acceptance into the light of that which has been repressed and branded ‘devil’ for millennia. “Harry Potter look out”

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

electric rumblings

Feb 2 This morning Melbourne and Central Victoria experienced ‘rumblings!!! Described by some as like a bomb or a jet plane. This was not an earthquake according to the Seismic institute but it did register so what was it really? They have put it down to lightning, with thunder striking the Earth but who saw the lightning? It did not show up on the lightning register. Obviously nothing like this had ever occurred before. The time was 3.07 am.

At that time as I slept on my verandah (600k from Victoria) I felt 4-5 rumblings which were felt more like mini-earthquakes than thunder though strange ‘blobs’ of lightning and ‘rumbles’ of thunder had occurred throughout the night. I heard a solitary dolphin also pass by breathing quietly in the river nearby. Magic!!

The previous night those creamy mammatus clouds suddenly appeared when I was out walking, with a double rainbow, a sign of the Monad? It reminded me of a horse timidly following me, bonding?

Flash floods and lightning storms and huge hailstones also ravaged Sydney, Central Coast and the Hunter. Emergency services received 1000 call outs. 100,000 houses were blacked out. There was a massive downburst of cold air from Antarctica, estimated at 6000 feet per minute. Melbourne had its coldest January day ever 12.9deg while Adelaide had the most hail in 27 years.

These whole episodes reminded that exactly 2 months ago Dec 4th a similar happening occurred when I was in central Victoria (see post). Previous to that on Nov 29 at Mt Franklin the Solar Body of the monad manifested to me as a rainbow around the sun and a powerful uplifting energy.

Three days ago (2 months after that) I had a powerful night in the forest with many visions, and a lot of energy going up and down heaven to earth, earth to heaven. The moon had shades of orange and green. I accidently called it a moonad. I am speculating that at this time the Lunar form of the body of the Monad entered into Earth’s atmosphere. It is connected to the Goddess Elektra, thus the new forms of atmospheric electricity. Remember that the Monads are galactic in nature.

This similar sequence to the 2 month ago sequence poses a serious issue as to the effect on Earth in one month’s time (corresponding to the tsunami) this gives Feb 28 a date also given to me by the Angel as the third Harmonic Concordance date.

Last week when the storm was going on in Blayney with 100,000 lightning strikes, here there was only one strike. At the exact same time. I bit the tip of my tongue, only the second time ever. The tip of the tongue represents the Spirit. Biting it suggests Spirit awakening in some form.

There’s quite a lightning dance out there tonight, inside me too.

Life is precious.

Melbourne had the most rain in any 24 hr period since records began in 1857.

Some more parallels

Dec 6 green blue fireballs here
Dec 4 2004 huge fog clouds in China

Feb 4 2005 Siberia blast?? unconfirmed

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

the pot of gold beneath the tree

More questions and answers on monads?

More questions and answers on monads?
Are monads living?
Not living as you mean, breathing. Nor do they have a physical body as we know it. But they have conscious awareness and have a structure that changes over time. They are more like the Great Spirit but without being formless. Nor are they omnipotent and omniscient.
Each one is bringing its own blessing and contribution to the transformation of Earth. in stages.

What do they do?
They are evolving earth. Heaven is getting closer to Earth which is what we want. Yet the beings of heaven are going to have an effect on the beings of earth. The entry of the Monads into the earth’s atmosphere is creating spectacular weather effects as witnessed recently all over the world.
The questioner then relates with excitement some recent interactions with lightning including a band of lightning passing directly horizontally in front of his car and soft pink lightning playing on the water’s edge.

Are they from God?
They are just as much from God or not from God as a dog is. They are divine but not gods. They love Earth and they revere Nature. They are servants of life on earth and have their own sweet ways.

Questions and Answers on monads

Questions and Answers on monads

I asked myself this question
Why are monads appearing to me? Of all people. They seem to seek me out and show themselves.
A; I have developed the monadic body, a subtle body capable of receiving the monad. Just like a radio is tuned to receive a signal it can then send out the messages.

I developed the monadic body
1) By working with the 144 formative forces transforming my pre-birth womb patterns. Apparently a formative force enters in every two and a half days during the pregnancy period to give creative form to the newly developing structure. This gives a one year development period for human beings. This implies that a baby at birth still needs 3 months to fully develop. A horse has a one year pregnancy period and is born fully formed.

I have clarified the monadic body. It is like it is a structure with 144 windows. Each window needs to be cleaned. This is done by evolving within us the 144 spiritual qualities (virtues) in alignment with and under the guidance of Ascended masters, saints and Living Masters.

The more people do this the easier it becomes.

Pictures of fairies, pictures of faeries,spirit drawings