Tuesday, January 04, 2005

angels and sunbeams

To understand my explanation of the relationship between the Harmonic Convergence of Aug 1987 and the Harmonic Concordance of Nov 9 2003 you will need to know about the Angel secretions. Some people call these 'fingers of God’. This explanation I will post soon.

Story of Golden shafts of light
Something woke me up early. I watched as the Sun’s rays burst through a cloud. The Beams of Light rayed down, and formed into a Great Circle of golden light shining from the ocean. There was Majesty in the air. I felt they were the 144. Gradually, as time passed, the rays began to spread outward. They grew longer and longer, even reaching to the beach, where I stood. Soon I felt I was inside a column of golden light, imbued with the sheen of the different hues of gold. I was awestruck, and felt blessed at the same time. It was very comforting and tingly.

Story of Angel-Beams
I was in a country town. I watched similar beams of light coming from through the clouds. I almost could imagine angels, coming and going, up and down, each column of light. I felt that each was bringing an angel to someone; to someone special; their personal opportunity for angel intimacy. Several days later, a lady said to me ‘I can’t believe it. Everybody I’ve massaged in the last few days, has seen an angel’. It is happening! Be open!!

This ‘angels in shafts of light’ phenomena are called by the angels, the Angel Secretions. Angels are coming and secreting angel gifts into our energy fields secretly. We may just be aware of them. There are twelve angel secretions in all. This forms a Bandwidth. We can then listen to Angel Audio.

Extract from my book Angel Secrets and the Lost Arts, with Raphael by Allan ‘Angelman’ Moffatt


A sacrocranial therapist told me this story;
I worked on a lady. She experienced a powerful column of light come down through her crown and an angel came into her heart and spoke to her. There was so much heat that her hairs were physically singed in a 20 cent size area. After a few days the hair grew back. When I spoke about the Sun Columns she understood what had happened.

Do you have any angel phenomena stories?

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at www.theCelestials.comelse www. 2angelman.com.look for the children’s angel poems and books on spirituality and psychology of angels


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