Turquoise monad appears in Photo
Turquoise monad appears in Photo 25/11/05 Whyalla SA notice its earth hugging nature.This was taken above where there is a sacred aboriginal woman’s cave connected to the Seven sisters of the Pleaides.
Storms- south east Qld.
South east Qld. Has been lashed by 18 severe storms in the last two months. In the latest 50.000 homes were blacked out, One poor man was watching a show about hurricane Katrina and his roof blew off. His immediate neighbours were untouched. This to me shows the amount of intelligence that this Turquoise monad has. It is aware of who is attuned. I have felt it several times here in local short quick noisy storms. It is a definite kundalini frequency.
Because of the 26 nature of the TAM I am suggesting Qld will have 26 storms, each one opening a different heart note.
Sometimes when watching the news on TV I have seen the Turquoise in the air, especially during the recent snow storms in the northern hemisphere.
Tornado (turquoise?)

Tis is over alfalfa, OKlahama before 1.8.05
Is the sun getting whiter

Re: The Sun Much Brighter These Days?
The whiter/brighter Sun is absolute proof to me of the incoming shift to a higher frequency energy that is impinging this part of the cocmos and will affect all of us for the better.
From www.ascension2000.com "interplanetary day after tomorrow" part I
Sun: More activity since 1940 than in previous 1150 years, combined
Mercury: Unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field … for a supposedly “dead” planet
Venus: 2500% increase in auroral brightness, and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 30 years
Earth: Substantial and obvious world-wide weather and geophysical changes
Mars: “Global Warming,” huge storms, disappearance of polar icecaps
Jupiter: Over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds
Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only ~20 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator
Uranus: “Really big, big changes” in brightness, increased global cloud activity
Neptune: 40% increase in atmospheric brightness
Pluto: 300% increase in atmospheric pressure, even as Pluto recedes farther from the Sun
None of these statistics are from “fringe” scientists; they are all very, very real, and what you have just read is only the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.”This Report’s scientific data, from a variety of highly credible institutions (including NASA itself), reveals that startling “climate change” phenomena are occurring, not just here on Earth, but, in fact -- throughout the entire solar system. This material has been publicly available for nearly a decade in some cases, but it was simply never assembled into a coherent picture of “a System in significant transition” … until this writing.
The Rainbow Medicine Blanket From the Andes
A galactic message from Carol Perez Petersen
Dedicated to Grand Chief Robert Woableza LaBatte
Please share this message.
I am Carol Perez Petersen a member of the Council of MysticalKnowledge in the tradition of one of the few remaining unbroken environmental portal lineages in the world. The Aymara Nation sends you a message. We are concerned about the devastation of the effects of world warming.The Consejo del Saber Mystico Qulla, in strict accordance with its mission and vision, and as a complementary function of Aymara spirituality given by our sacred ancestors, has the firm convictionof its obligation to renew the values and practices of the thousands-of-years old Aymara culture, so as to strengthen, energize and activate this relevant Andean culture. For the first time theAymara culture is opening their portal to all keepers of their hearts traditions. Our very lives and way of living teach us thatwe are whole cosmic beings part of this sacred Mother Earth and thatwe are fully integrated to our Cosmic Father, our Grand Mother Moon,and our perpetual guides. Because of this, and above everythingelse, we maintain a clear conscience of the need to sustain incomplete harmony and equilibrium the four basic natural elements:sun, air, water and earth --- the absence of any one of these having an irreversible effect on our lives. From our temple at
Tiwanaku,we seek to connect with other sacred sites of the world for thepurpose of meditating and praying to try to stop the forthcomingnatural phenomena, which will take place with the greatest forcewithin a period which will not surpass ten years.
Maestro Valentin Mejillones AcarapiSacred sites are marked near fault lines, mountains, volcanoes,canyons, caves, springs, thermals and river mouths. They are vortexes caused by natural and cosmic pressure. We recognized agreater power than ourselves and sought communion with the naturalworld through animal behavior. We inscribed a system with symbolsfound in petroglyphs, medicine wheels, step pyramids, stone templesand the dwellings of ancient cultures to remind us of our place inthe great mystery. They're instrumental in keeping earth energies inbalance. We're discovering sacred sites like the recent step pyramidin Bosnia. Most sites are buried, built over, dammed up and bombed.The basic physiological factors in keeping your body healthy can becompared to Earth Mother's eco-system. The sacred sites reflex todifferent parts of the eco system of the world. The vortexes of Earth Mother are liken to the pressure point system and the chakrasystem of all heart organ life.
The present day cultures of the remaining Aboriginal Nations arespeaking prophetic messages on further disasters to come. We mustlisten to them and learn through their slow steady traditions songand language how to keep the spirits of nature in balance. Theyhave sent out many pleas for help for their sacred land sites aredrowning from dams while the forests are disappearing and rivers arerapidly becoming poisoned. Yet their songs are still sung withstrong hearts. Do not be discouraged by fear.Through fasting and prayer, a pathway opened for the warrior/ healerto enter into the spirit world to bring a message, to understand howto live with balance in beauty. You are the warrior/healer I honorfor you see with your inner eye and speak with your heart. We areall related. You know not to condemn another with opinions aboutreligion, politics, gender or sexuality. You battle with yourself tofind your own truth. You move to a different rhythm which is to theuniverse inside you. You discovered the great law:
All is born of Women and let no harm come to the children.Global stress is humanities dysfunction of the great law anddisconnection to the sacred sites on the earth. What is the meaningof time is the question now becoming the pressure cooker of theGolden Age. Whereas we are regaining our senses as co creator, weare all about timing. The science in spirituality is to be found inthe co creative energies set through super conscious abilities tofeel unconditional love at the environmental portals worldwide. Themetaphysical healers are at the threshold of discoveringrelationships akin to the indigenous spiritual medicine elders onMother Earth. Botanists are finding nitrogen from salmon in thegenetics of a tree while physicists are discovering DNA is connectedto galaxies far away. Each chakra spins according to different starsystems. Ascended mastery spoken by those who guide offer hopethrough compassionate understanding of relationships. All feelingour sentient nature is resonant in the awakening of the globalheart.Your heart rhythm is electrically charged from celestial and atomicradiant waves present in the rainbow. It is what your aura lookslike.
The electrical charge that romances your heart beat isconnected to the heart light rhythm of Earth Mother. Spiritualityis the essence of Earth Mother. It is the song of the whale; it isthe geometry of flight. Heart rhythm connected to sun and planetaryradiance is scientific wisdom: The Sacred Law of Life. Love ispractical science which can be found in communal migrations of earthvortexes: The Golden Gateway
The importance of returning to the sacred sites during the SOLSTICEand EQUINOX is in response to a world in crisis affecting the futureof our children. We are the solution. Earth vortexes detoxifynegativity, stimulate and strengthen relationships. Due to thedisruption of the Earth's nervous system a natural law understood bythe aboriginal peoples, we are at the effect of rapid polarmigration and extreme weather.We have a challenge to stay in balance to the Earth as warrior/healers of a cosmic kind. Today churches, hospitals, and cemeteriesare the most common visible vortex reflex sites. They were built onthe grounds where ancient civilizations came to commune in celestialwonder. Like you I have found many places in the wild far from thecities where there is peace profound in the silence of nature.Earth Mother is in the conscious hands of soul midwives. Soulfamilies choose a being whose human nervous system can handle theenlightenment process. In order to be a warrior/healer you must becracked open. They are the surrogates who through selflessnessobserve the feeling realm and allow discord to purify through thecompassionate heart of the soul families they represent. This isbased on Hermetic law written by the pyramid makers. Our starancestors left a map on the earth one that is a key to universalknowledge and spiritual wisdom.Many are called but few are willing to make the sacrifice one ofdisciplined spiritual science. Those who are adept forged by thefires of purification are galactic stewards. Greater works is themission of the Rainbow Medicine Blanket caretakers of Mother Earth'sChildren. It is inside you and you must make the choice todiscover how to turn on the energy reflex point on the earth andbring down the galactic template.
Elders of Arcane knowledge havelooked to the Masters of the Andes for this wisdom.This is your invitation from Tiwanaku and The Council of MysticalKnowledge to those who wish to serve and harmonize your earth bodytemple with the Rainbow Medicine Blanket template. Gather togetherat the earth reflex sites known by the indigenous ones. Paralleluniverses exist in subtle resonance. They are to Earth Mother as toother planets in our universe and to the cosmos. I ask that youbecome your destiny with me as a rainbow warrior/healer and gatherwhere your heart leads. Be gentle with Earth Mother in a heartfeltway. I see you in the hospitals, in the mountains, in your churchor medicine wheel sending a message to Earth Mother a prayer ofthanksgiving and peace. I see us as co creators of sovereignty thekind of freedom that uses no words or sees borders. We are onebody, with one Mother Earth. We are the immune system of the water,air, earth and spirit.So please consider my promise to you. When the reflex points areattended to in the manner of sacred law you will rise up and befilled with heaven on earth covered inside and out with the shinningbeauty of the rainbow. This is the beauty way of the Red Road.Blowing of the Conch: A synchronistic gathering on Mother Earth incelebration of Grandfather Sun the Light and the promise of theRainbowWe Call You We Call You We Call YouMillions of indigenous people world wide feel this calling and theyprepare for the alignment of cosmic influences at a place that issacred to them. The Power of Sacred and Natural Law cannot berestrained it can only be respected. This insures survival of thespecies of all living matter on Earth Mother. Become ONE with the sacred measure of Time.
Solstice and EquinoxHow you can participate: This is for those of you who haveindigenous traditions or like minded community. Talk with yourfriends and decide where to go, who to gather with and use thisinvitation. Go where you feel is more powerful and can benefit themost for all. This sacred measure of timing happens 4 times ayear. Follow your heart.There will be no exchange of money. However I pray that those whodo go to sacred sites during the year would consider arranging thetiming of your journey to follow Earth Mother's timing according tothe stone records of Indigenous calendars.
Suggested Rainbow Medicine Blanket Manifestation Template Meditationand Invocation:Many of you follow a respected Clan Mother, a medicine woman/man, achief, a Guru, a spiritual healer/ leader or a native lodge or ametaphysical center. This may be your circle. I honor you. It isimportant to show up and make the plans to harmonize the rainbowtemplate at the places of power in the way of respecting theteachings you follow.
In my tradition we introduce ourselves briefly then tell something
of our family. We stand around a fire.My mother is 80 years old and she is born in Masatepe, Nicaragua.Her village means the place of the Deer. She has traveled to thesacred temples of the Far East, Israel, Egypt, India, Australia,Turkey and Hawaii, Mexico and Central America, South America andmany small islands. When she arrived in the United States she wasguided at the age of 20 and without a penny. There was a lay off inMexico City because her seat was given to a soldier. The airlineput her in a hotel and she met a honeymoon couple who on theirsacred day took my mother into their heart and showed her around.Back on the plane she was befriended by a beautiful woman who wasthe reigning queen of the Pasadena Rose Parade. She brought mymother to her aunt's home and they paid for her bus ticket to SanFrancisco. Her first job was a seamstress and she worked the machinefast making 35 maternity skirts a day. This is my beginning. I wasborn in San Francisco on a sacred site where a hospital was built.This site has an alignment with Mars. My father has spiritually andfinancially supported her in all her travels. Many of us are calledto distant places without understanding yet are fulfilling adestiny. My mother is a courageous model of spirituality and faithand my father was her sacred soldier of protection with a purpleheart. It is my condor blood that enables me to join with you inthe spirit of my deep abiding love for Earth Mother and my ownmother and my eagle heart that is able to share this vision withyou. In my mother's words:Oh Love who set me free. Such a love shall hallow me.My meditation suggestion is: Stand or sitting just be comfortableconcentrate on how you feel. I firmly believe that our connectionis sacred. The spirituality of our natural world must be affirmedin the practical science of Sacred and Natural Law relationships.When we live in balance with the environment then democracy willproceed according to the timely rhythm of sacred law with thegalactic center.INHALE: Breathe up from the heart of the Earth all the way fillingyour spinal column, the chakra energy centers nourishing everysystem and organ, holding the heart of earth mother in your heartfor a few seconds while bringing the breath up through the top ofyour head to the heart of the heavens. Then to give all love whileyou are still in the inhale and inhale the rainbow from the heart ofthe heavens. The rainbow is the bridge between heaven and earth andis the finest celestial matter visible to the eye. It is what weare made of in particles.EXHALE: Bring it down through the top of your head and down throughthe spinal column, nourishing all physiology and organs, the chakrasystems while having the scent of love and perfume of gratitude andsending this as a personal gift back to the heart of earth mother.Do this while keeping grounded and continue as the ascended masteryof healing comes through you to every thought you feel and see forseven times seven.To All My RelationsI ask that this message be kept in it's entirety with respect to theauthor.May you walk in Beauty and Be the Rainbow
Carol Perez Petersen
tlamco@hotmail.comConsejo de Saber Mystico Qulla, Aymara, El Alto La Paz BoliviaConsejo Ancianos Spirituales del SurConsejo Ancianos de las Naciones Indígenas de la Argentina
Fireballs over WA
[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at
http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index857.htm as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]
December 5, 2005
New Comet Discovery Confirmed By US Astronomer, Russian Scientists
Predict ‘Earth Directed’ Course as World Weather Chaos Continues
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers
One of the most critical concerns among the World’s Scientists relating
to both the unprecedented Solar activity from our Sun, and the likewise
unprecedented disruptions to the Earth’s weather systems, and which many
Scientists subscribing to the Electrical Theories of our Universe have
stated could only be caused by an ‘unknown massive object’ having
entered our Solar System, has been answered by a United States
Astronomer confirmation of an as yet unnamed New Comet, and as we can
read as reported by the Hawaii’s Star Bulletin News Service in their
article titled "UH astronomer finds new comet" and which says:
"University of Hawaii astronomer Fabrizio Bernardi came here from Italy
to look for potentially dangerous asteroids. "But, of course, we see
other objects -- stars and comets. This time, the first time, I saw a
new comet," the postdoctoral researcher said. Bernardi was looking at
images taken with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mauna Kea when
he noticed an object that was "a bit fuzzy," with a tail estimated at
more than 13,000 miles long.
"When I saw the comet images, it was a big surprise. The first thing I
was doing was to check to see if it was new." There were no known comets
in the part of the sky where the comet was spotted, about 280 million
miles away from Earth, almost three times the distance from Earth to the
Russian scientific reports regarding this New Comet state that unlike
all other know Comets this new ‘object’ appears to have broken the 1950
Jan Oort theory and had its origin in interstellar space.
These reports further state that this New Comet is the direct cause of
the Earth’s Atmospheres continued assault this year by a never-ending
stream of strikes, and to which another one has been reported to strike
our Southern Hemispheric Regions, and as we can read as reported by the
Weekend Australia News Service in their December 4th article titled
"Meteorite lights up WA skies" and which says:
"A spectacular meteorite fireball has lit up the sky over a wide area of
Western Australia. The spectacle is reported to have been in the north
of the state, also as far east as Kalgoorlie, nearly 500km from Perth,
and in the south at Albany, which is just over 400km from the capital.
Astronomers believe the meteorite, flashing brightly and sending out
sonic booms, smashed into the earth's atmosphere about 300km southeast
of Perth at 8.47pm yesterday."
on TAM signature

This article and photo appeared Newcastle morning Herald 2.12.05. I often would go to this obelisk. Notice the colour in the clouds. the headline read 'REGION LASHED IN
A CHAIN REACTION, .It talks of hail the size of golf balls and power blackouts. This has been occurring all over the east coast this week and almost every day. TAM is saying 'I am here. Look out.
Most of the Northern Hemisphere had snow for days