Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Turquoise monad appears in Photo

Turquoise monad appears in Photo 25/11/05 Whyalla SA notice its earth hugging nature.This was taken above where there is a sacred aboriginal woman’s cave connected to the Seven sisters of the Pleaides.

Storms- south east Qld.
South east Qld. Has been lashed by 18 severe storms in the last two months. In the latest 50.000 homes were blacked out, One poor man was watching a show about hurricane Katrina and his roof blew off. His immediate neighbours were untouched. This to me shows the amount of intelligence that this Turquoise monad has. It is aware of who is attuned. I have felt it several times here in local short quick noisy storms. It is a definite kundalini frequency.

Because of the 26 nature of the TAM I am suggesting Qld will have 26 storms, each one opening a different heart note.

Sometimes when watching the news on TV I have seen the Turquoise in the air, especially during the recent snow storms in the northern hemisphere.


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