blackouts and earthchanges
This is the story of one man whose actions may have inadvertently triggered shutdowns in the powergrids all over the world during 2003.This story is really going to stretch your imagination. It really stretches mine. Your gonna say ’he’s really out there with this one’. I cannot say its true. There’s a good chance its true. There’s a good chance its not true.
Sometimes we have to let go of the idea of ’this causes that’ and enter into the ‘all-together’ that is ‘magic’. There are some things that are impossible to prove, and some things happen that reveal mechanisms we had never in our wildest imaginations dreamed possible.
But first there is some theoretical background which may explain this event. There was no conspiracy. Conspiracy is for fear-mongers who thrive on paranoia and call it security. The desire to control arises from fear of chaos. Look at the awesome power of a volcano or a hurricane and we see how little we are. Only in surrender can we win, and that is a position of majesty. But surrender to life’s forces requires that we must even know ‘life’ has forces and that they can be trusted.
Those same forces are working in us.
As an acupuncturist on human beings I am aware of invisible energy systems working throughout the body in seemingly irrational ways. For over 5000 years the Chinese have developed the understanding of these systems and used them for healing. To heal is to evolve a system, when it has been stuck.
This whole Chinese thing is very strange to us at first. For example there is what is called a distal point. This is a point a long way away from the site of a problem that can be used to cure that problem .An example might be ‘using points on the hand or foot for a toothache’ A trained acupuncturist would sense the acupuncture effect and know the healing is working. It works well and strongly. But it is not logical ,to us. There is a point on the wrist called the Master point of the Blood-vessels which, when used affects all the blood vessels all over the body, at once,anywhere. Again not logical.
I have also worked with animals . They have acupuncture systems like us. It is theorized the Earth itself has an acupuncture system. I have worked with this system. I go to places (sacred places) and I can feel an acupuncture effect occurring by my very presence there. This leads to the conclusion some healing is happening to Earth and therefore Earth has some form of life chi moving throughout it. Maybe invisible energy flows.
I also work with angels and I feel their presence during healings. Sometimes I see them. Sometimes now I don’t have to physically be there. I just have to be there in spirit, in consciousness. The healing takes place. This is why I am called an angel shaman or angel medicine man.
Sometimes unevolved ancient spirits are trapped at sacred sites and need to be matured. This healing uplifts the whole area. The people around feel the release and the shift.
I was given a radionic diagram called a ’curse remover’. This helps remove these old beings. I live close by to a city. (Newcastle Australia). One day I ‘saw’ in Spirit some very old energies that were trapped in the unused coal mines and sewerage systems beneath the city. No light or colour was reaching them. With guidance from my angel Raphael, and good intentions, I placed a symbol for a certain area of the city on the radionics diagram. The aim was to clear the ’curse’, if there was one .Well, imagine my surprise when 5 days later on a sunny day, no lightning storms in sight, the exact same area had an inexplicable electrical blackout. There must have been chaos, as it was rush hour. Even traffic lights were out, and petrol bowsers and bank computers even. You would think people would be scared. But I have noticed this, that when there are natural disasters around, people begin to communicate. They may even talk to their neighbours. They may even be friendly. All the ‘buzz’ stops. Candles come out. Could be a public holiday?
With these things there is no telling cause and effect but I surmised that the electrical grid system had to shut down before the ‘curse’ could be lifted. The electricals had been holding it down.
Then wasn’t I bit shocked when on subsequent days the blackouts began occurring all over the world, like a domino effect. Here is the sequence; (there are others)
Buenos Aires was hit by a sudden blackout on August 6 2003.
The first major blackout occurred in the northeastern United States and Canada on August 14. New York City, Detroit, Toronto, Ottawa, Cleveland and smaller cities and towns in between lost power for hours. Some 50 million people were affected.
A few days later the Republic of Georgia was plunged into darkness. On August 18, 4.5 million people in Georgia lost power; the Tblisi metro ground to a halt and the water supply was cut off.
During the evening of August 23, Finland’s capital Helsinki and suburbs including the international airport at Vantaa were blacked out. Helsinki Energy was at a loss in explaining how a minor shortcircuit in a switching station resulted in such a widespread failure affecting over half a million people, in a country known for its first rate electrical grid.
On August 28 at the height of London’s evening rush hour, a massive power outage struck the city and southeast England. The blackout was blamed on a ‘fault’ in the national electrical grid.
On September 1, Malaysia’s bustling capital of Kuala Lumpur and five other states were struck by a massive blackout. Workers in the Petronas Towers, the world’s tallest buildings were trapped in elevators and, with signal lights out traffic in downtown Kuala Lumpur ground to a virtual halt. What made the event all the more perplexing is that blackouts are very rare in this country.
The next day, September 2, Cancun, Mexico also found itself plunged into darkness. The power failure struck Quintana Roo state on the Yucatan peninsula and two neighbouring states. Power was out for six hours and affected 3 million people.
Shortly after lunch on September 23, eastern Denmark and southern Sweden, including the cities of Copenhagen and Malmo, lost power in what was described as a ‘very unusual blackout’. Four million people were affected, including passengers stranded on trains and at Copenhagen’s busy international airport.
On earl Sunday morning ,September 28, another massive power failure struck Italy, leaving 57 million people without electricity. A simultaneous blackout plunged Geneva Switzerland into darkness. The blackout was later blamed on a tree hitting a high voltage transmission line in Switzerland.
One has to conclude a connection between these blackouts. And if it were the result of a planetary curse being lifted thank God, but the question must then be asked “What if there are more? What if this is part of a sequence of the Earth shedding her old past? How can we assist this in order to limit the destructive effects? And what will be the benefits that we must adjust to?
For the agents of these changes refer to my Monad stories. else
With thanks to New Dawn magazine
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