time,tide and angels
This is my latest offering: let me know what you think AngelmanTIME AND TIDE
‘Time and tide wait for no-one’.
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you knew your future, without a doubt? How often have you thought, ‘if only I had known then what I know now.’ How could you have the future that gave you the highest level of fulfillment? Where each highest choice led to the next highest choice? And the final choice was a beautiful passing-over. How could we achieve that?
Birthing is a time of great expectation yet how can we make Each Moment a time of great expectation? In each moment we are birthing the now, yet with our choices we are birthing the future and ultimately birthing our death. How do we make this as conscious as possible? The intimation is to do it in Christ Consciousness. Many great saints have indicated this. Yet at this time of great change what changes are happening in the Christ Consciousness? We know we cannot rely upon what has come before to take us into what is to come. So much change has occurred on Earth it is almost frightening. From my conversations with Archangel Raphael, the greatest change, or the greatest threat to our reality is the concept of time.
In our first communication he said ’Time as you know it will cease to exist’. But he also said ’You will see us as you see each other, face to face. It is a time between times. The early1500’s was such a time. When the great masters painted us they were seeing us like that: they were not representations. But we have changed now, so how do we look now?’
Later as our communications became more day-to-day and more like conversations I asked him more about time. These are his indications to date.
Our present time is based on planetary movements. It is solar system based; it revolves around the Sun. The Mayan calendar is based on galactic time. It revolves around the central point in the galaxy ( Sagittarius 26 degrees). This time ends on 20.12.2012. Then time will be freed from galactic bonds. It will become Universe time. It revolves around the Universe Centre Sun. This is a twin system (17degrees sag and 18 degrees sag). It is conception based. One time creator revolves anticlockwise and the other is going clockwise. Here is firther to what he said.
There is a time coming from the future and a time coming from the past. They unite in the Now. Here is freedom from time. Here is Mastery of time.
The Inner and Outer Suns –the Sun-gate
The Light that is within us, the Source, is the same as the Universe Sun (called Heart of Suns) outside of us. There are three possible stepdowns from inner light to the outer world, where the darkness may be seen when we close our eyes. Each of us is responding in those three stages according to our awakenings and our gifts. These three correspond to the alpha, beta and theta states of consciousness, which may or may not be activated in any one person. It is a play, of consciousness.
Deep Core
The Deep Core impulse from the Heart of Suns activates a corresponding impulse within the Sun itself, then within the Deep Core of the Earth, then within the Deep Core of the being, activating both the pituitary in the center of the brain, and the feelings within the heart, ‘from the bottom of my heart, I know’. Here is a Oneness. This impulse is then returned. Here is Communication. The sun can receive our communications. The sun is aware of our communications.
The Pulse of the Blood
We will feel these changes first in our blood, in its pulse. As the blood responds to the new frequencies, the personal blood pulse, the planetary blood pulse and the galactic blood pulse will be changing. Already the Sun has changed its magnetic polarity, in March 2000. This will trickle down to the earth’s core and then into our personal core. Our personal polarities will switch as we adopt our Universe-centred subtle bodies and our Universe-centred identities.
As this new solar impulse trickles in, it is having an effect on the tides and the colours, through its interaction with the lunar impulse. And not just the tides in the ocean but the tides in the atmosphere. We will begin to see some strange fish and bird migrations, as the etheric currents adjust. This will also effect insects and fertilisation of plants. If you are a farmer you know how important that is.
On August 2 2003 the Violet monad energies entered into the mountain chains on three levels: the deep crystal level, the violet middle level and the golden upper level. Next it will begin the transformation in the various government network systems and the law systems will start to shake up. A monad is a world angel with 144 aspects. Each aspect is distinct and different. Any one person can only receive the energy of one aspect. No–one can be a voice for the whole monad. Its consciousness is too large. We can only honour and evolve our connection with the aspect we are receiving, and honour the other aspects that they may evolve and share with us, and we can get to see the bigger picture.
Time is a turtle and I am angelman, weirdo to some.
About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at www.theCelestials.com
else www. 2angelman.com.
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books
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