Wednesday, February 02, 2005

electric rumblings

Feb 2 This morning Melbourne and Central Victoria experienced ‘rumblings!!! Described by some as like a bomb or a jet plane. This was not an earthquake according to the Seismic institute but it did register so what was it really? They have put it down to lightning, with thunder striking the Earth but who saw the lightning? It did not show up on the lightning register. Obviously nothing like this had ever occurred before. The time was 3.07 am.

At that time as I slept on my verandah (600k from Victoria) I felt 4-5 rumblings which were felt more like mini-earthquakes than thunder though strange ‘blobs’ of lightning and ‘rumbles’ of thunder had occurred throughout the night. I heard a solitary dolphin also pass by breathing quietly in the river nearby. Magic!!

The previous night those creamy mammatus clouds suddenly appeared when I was out walking, with a double rainbow, a sign of the Monad? It reminded me of a horse timidly following me, bonding?

Flash floods and lightning storms and huge hailstones also ravaged Sydney, Central Coast and the Hunter. Emergency services received 1000 call outs. 100,000 houses were blacked out. There was a massive downburst of cold air from Antarctica, estimated at 6000 feet per minute. Melbourne had its coldest January day ever 12.9deg while Adelaide had the most hail in 27 years.

These whole episodes reminded that exactly 2 months ago Dec 4th a similar happening occurred when I was in central Victoria (see post). Previous to that on Nov 29 at Mt Franklin the Solar Body of the monad manifested to me as a rainbow around the sun and a powerful uplifting energy.

Three days ago (2 months after that) I had a powerful night in the forest with many visions, and a lot of energy going up and down heaven to earth, earth to heaven. The moon had shades of orange and green. I accidently called it a moonad. I am speculating that at this time the Lunar form of the body of the Monad entered into Earth’s atmosphere. It is connected to the Goddess Elektra, thus the new forms of atmospheric electricity. Remember that the Monads are galactic in nature.

This similar sequence to the 2 month ago sequence poses a serious issue as to the effect on Earth in one month’s time (corresponding to the tsunami) this gives Feb 28 a date also given to me by the Angel as the third Harmonic Concordance date.

Last week when the storm was going on in Blayney with 100,000 lightning strikes, here there was only one strike. At the exact same time. I bit the tip of my tongue, only the second time ever. The tip of the tongue represents the Spirit. Biting it suggests Spirit awakening in some form.

There’s quite a lightning dance out there tonight, inside me too.

Life is precious.

Melbourne had the most rain in any 24 hr period since records began in 1857.

Some more parallels

Dec 6 green blue fireballs here
Dec 4 2004 huge fog clouds in China

Feb 4 2005 Siberia blast?? unconfirmed


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