On the tears for the Earth
On the Tears
I wrote, ’We are shedding the tears of the Earth. No-one is listening. And people are dying.”
I have to add. These are not the tears of despair for the way the Earth has been abused. I see Earth in its pure Spirit form has not been damaged. But it is metamorphosing. This is presenting problems to Earth citizens . Their deaths are unnecessary and preventable. Hence the tears. One must listen to the Earth and engage with it. (lie down on it and put your ear to the ground and ask what it would like to say to you.)The signs are there. WE must learn to read them or respect those who can.
The Turquoise Angel Monad (TAM)

The Turquoise Angel Monad (TAM)
By Allan Moffatt 15 Nov 2005
First Contact Oct 28 2005.
Oct 28 gamma ray burst near Galactic Center 20 seconds
How to explain this in Spirit terms.
The first action was the Univers-al Centre emitting a signature wave. A signature for new change. Later this will be received by the Earth core, and then enter into all of Earth, and eventually into the consciousness of all beings on Earth.
AS this wave passed by the Galactic center halo there was a response in Love with a gamma ray burst. This imprint is like a song sent out to the universe much like a whale’s song. And I have often likened the Monads to galactic whales. These are like the whale's spirit. Imagine how big a Univers-al whale might be.
For pictures of whales
www.whalepictures.blogspot.comOn Nov 13, two weeks later the Sun emitted three M-class flares. Here is that same wave passing through the Sun , the solar system center.
http://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/eit_304/This years Monad is called the Turquoise Angel Monad. It begins its approach two months earlier than last year’s monad , the Purple Angel Monad (PAM)(see articles this blog) .
http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/04/angelearthnews-monthly-report-april-9.htmlScience and Spirit
People of the Earth do not recognize the Spirit. They may speak of energies but to them energies do not have awareness. Hence they cannot be communicated to or with, hence they feel they have no power to modify or change them. An example of such energies would be the Forces of Nature. Science, in making us objective has made us disconnected, not just from Nature , but Earth and our own Spirit senses. Hence we cannot see, say, that in the wind is Spirit; an ocean of spirits constantly in flux, constantly communicating, constantly in Love. That is what is constant. Movement and Change.
(You may like to look into the spiritual science of Rudolf Steiner)
Science has taught us to look for patterns, to measure. Yet here each event is singular and cannot be compared with any other. WE need to get to know each Monad as it appears. This is much like getting to know a person. It is not the same as taking their measurements or tracking their footsteps. Each person must be considered as an individual and not part of any group identity. This is how we can truly have a two-way communication and learn that person’s needs and nature.
And if they are there in the same space as us and we don’t know, then we are sure to run into each other, have accidents. With regard to the Monads, these can be disasters. This is the importance of what I am hinting at.
Angel and Monads
My training with the Angels and Archangels in developing communication has allowed me to recognize the new energies of the monads. Yet I am still hesitant to be a voice for them as I myself need to familiarise myself and make the necessary adjustments. And they are not minor adjustments. They are major, life-changing, revolutionary, planetary adjustments. This is what is happening to Earth. Also.
The photosThe above photos were taken by me Nov 12 and that night. In the morning I found a turquoise coloured rhinocerous beetle on the beach. It looked just like turquoise stone scarab.
The Signs
So. What are their signs so far. and what do these signs say of its nature,
Many fireballs were seen around the world Oct 2 –Nov 8.
Nov 4
http://www.spaceweather.com/swpod2005/17nov05/Dorosz1.jpgWeatherThis photo appeared in SMH 25 oct 2005 with heading 'something wicked this way comes' please excuse the copyright . The original costs $30 to buy.
http://www.fairfaxphotos.com/datastore/e5/c7/e3/e5c7e33015bc3f96cfaeb3773199df4e_4.jpgTornado cuts through Kentucky and Indiana. winds 330k. Parts of Evansville reduced to rubble. Tornado has wide path 1k but short length 120 k. in one street on one side all houses wiped out. On other side not one house touched. If we could follow its path we might find its signature.
Australia: 120 k winds with flooding hits Broken Hill, an outback mining town almost not on the map. Followed by flash floods in towns in a line across the state e.g 130mm at Parkes airport in one day. Previously these towns had been in drought for up to five years. (Here we have that line signature pattern again). Molong was the worst hit , and this is also where last year there were 100,00 lightning strikes in a 24 hour period.
I was in Maclean, a small town on the east coast. I went outside . A nice sunny day. Thought ‘what is that sound’. Like a train coming. Like when the Kundalini comes. Within three minutes came the storm front with large hailstones big as cherries, crashing in from all directions. Though 4k away they were big as tennis balls and all-angular. Many towns were hit and the front followed a line pattern again. The sound had been from the Earth ‘s kundalini.
ElectricalOne day the electric jug would not turn off by itself. The next day it would. Strange. Other people told me of similar things happening to specific appliances. I wondered has the line pattern entered into Earth changing the earth electrical potential for a period of time.
Then I found an article from Canada where, within a 25k area no garages would open. For some mysterious reason the electronic mechanisms would not work.
Then here for a whole day just one bank’s computer system went down all over the country. Some poor people lost transactions which would have been from computer to computer.
Here we have a wake up call. The monads are learning to be more specific just as the crop circles are becoming more sophisticated, as years go by.
Please be aware this is not a war. These beings are the agents of change to help bring about peace on earth. They are not all-knowing. They are not God or gods. They are not like anything else that has even been before.
Nor are they to be feared. The terrorist would like you to think that they own or direct them. Neither the terrorists nor the governments are that powerful. The Forces of Nature are awesome. Even a sunrise is awesome. And I doubt the CIA could do that as often and as regular. So much for conspiracies.
The Structure of the TAMYou know if the TAM is around if you start seeing the turquoise colour with its green or blue shadings. You may notice turquoise things such as clothes.
In my experience the TAM is a double having 13 aspects each, to give 26 aspects. Last years PAM was also a double each one corresponding to the opening of the World Heart Chakra (also a double) . The same with the TAM, except now each half has 13 petals in a straight line formation ………….. across the heart. This 13 corresponds to the opening of 13 New Earth Heart centers around the world. Not old ones redone but totally new. And in us it corresponds to 13 new psychic powers.
This will first be noticed in animals but will appear first in insects and then flowers. Already the birds seem to be swawking much louder.
What can we do?If we can have a focus to clear the petals of the our Turquoise Heart, then we can contribute to an easy flux of the Monad onto Earth. A flux that minimizes the damage and lost lives. This is what we can do. WE are not powerless, nor in the grips of fear, and drama.
Begin to visualize the world through the Turquoise Heart, the Powers of the Love.
Note: The spirit allies for the TAM are the green crocodile and the emerald dragon. The crocodile heals people by eating them (not literally). The dragon is opening up the Earth ley lines , songlines as we call them in Australia.
Put into operation disaster contingency plans at a community level; where you can participate. These disasters are not going to go away (not for seven years) much as we would like to think that way. One comes and very soon we have forgotten. We go about our daily business as if it were not happening.
Put some time aside daily or weekly for this. Be galvanised as a community. Don't wait for governments.
Is this all so very different for you?
further on Turquiose angel monad

The next day after I wrote this , this picture appeared in the local paper. Have you been eaten by a croc lately?
Then there's this article about the ancient dynosaur eating croc
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/11/1110_051110_sea_monster.htmlNot knowing about this article a young lady contacted me from Indiana 2 hrs from Evansville .
There were storms again that day 16 nov. Coincidences , or am I on the right track here.
Tamayra says she took a photo where a turquoise line has appeared. Watch for this.
22.11.05 Spectacular lightning storm over Sydney described as “Boom crash opera”. Over 1000 lightning strikes in 4 hours.