Thursday, May 05, 2005

Kundalini and Growth -article

Kundalini and Growth (inspired from Archangel Raphael)
By Allan Moffatt c2005 for Angelearthnews

Is there not some injustice when it takes years to grow a tree yet minutes to chop it down?

But then it may take just moments to start a habit, and a life-time to end that habit.

This is just my contribution on the subjects of Kundalini. I am no Kundalini master. I may be a Taoist master but by the definition of such a master ’he (or she) who says he is a master is not the master’ so I’ll say I am not a master, so maybe I am, etc. All these paradoxes! This is the realm of Kundalini.

Kundalini and the Destroyer

When Doctor Kundalini comes to visit its time to take notice. He (or she) is telling you ‘its time to shift’, the old you is passing and a new you is waiting in the sides. Let go of the past, and feel the river of life as it pulses in you. Life is flourishing but Kundalini has no mercy. Like a flood it carries all before it. Like the tides it ebbs and flows. Sometimes like an earthquake, sometimes like a volcano its energy rushes up from Earth. Let it go back to Earth, and let its debris be carried away. Destruction is at work. Revelation is ready, and the tears will be shed just like last years leaves and the old snake’s skin. Shedding can be easy, or trauma-ous, depending on your degree of unwillingness, from reluctance, to resistance, to abhorrence.

In the manic stage, when the energy is fast, look for the blockage. Be it a childhood trauma, a family skeleton, a past life memory. It is there, lost among the rocks and magma.
For when the fire dies down, the ashes will hold a prospect, a special gift that a cunning fox can fathom. This gift is the Creative, the deep well-spring of Peace.

The emerg-ency

I distinctly remember my friend’s first Kundalini visit. He is very strong-willed, so when Dr K. came, it hit hard. We were standing on the street corner talking, when suddenly he went unconscious. I was trying to hold him up as his nose slid down the wall. The episode lasted 2 minutes but opened the doors to some repressed memories of childhood abuse. He later published a book about all this.

Life is very fragile but life is very tenacious. It wishes to push us into more love and more light. K. is its agent, breaking us out of our shells of ego conditioning and subterfuge. To push K. is to invite danger. Everything has its time and motion.

Goddess Kali
When the emotions first come, let them have a safe place to be expressed. Let them have acknowledgement, bewildering and scary as they may be. Terror is our ally. Learn to love terror, as this is a path to freedom. Learn to love the Goddess of Terror, Kali with her many faces and many hands. She can be kind, and merciful and always has your future in her hearts. She glows with you. She sings the glory of endings. In the dark of night she shows herself, and in the hardest winter.

Your Gifts
Find your creative gift and follow it, track it, appreciate it. In this is the Light that you seek, that seeks you. Justify yourself here, find justness here, find prolific inspiration. Show yourself, be the truth that you are, in all righteousness. K. is the means to this end, and will take you there straight, no highways, no byways, no show. Welcome and embrace; that is the key; that is the ribbon that binds you into grace. The rainbow ribbon of river-light, shining with a full moon, to an open ocean.

Letting out the ghosts and trains.
We lived by a train-line, and later by a major road to the steel industries. I moved to the country. There, the ghosts of cars appeared, and left me. Then the ghosts of many, many trains came out. This made me realize why the coming of kundalini is likened to a steam train. Then there were noises of machinery. My sensitive baby had not understood them. Had cringed from them. This goes to show that offense can occur but need not be abuse. Abuse generates more ghosts, that can generate more ghosts, and then enjoy spreading them around. Kundalini will expose them. Every corner where they hide will be lit up. No secret can remain. Even to the end Kundalini will bring the light, there is no doubt, no confusion. Letting out is always the challenge. Then surrender comes, sweet surrender.

On Kali; you can call her up, but you must respect her when she comes.