AngelEarthNews Monthly report April 9 2005
AngelEarthNews Monthly report April 9 2005From angelman Allan Moffatt in Australia
Today is a solar eclipse. This particular eclipse marks the official beginnings of the Magic Tradition in angels for this epoch. Many angels will reveal themselves as the moon passes before the sun, cancels the solar lightshine and leaves us only with the galactic and universal lightshine around the periphery. This is where may see the angel monads more clearly.
This month has been a disaster for angelearthnews. Many things have happened. They are bye the bye. A new phase will begin soon. Only uplifting articles of the heart will be appearing. Earth is moving forward, that is to be expected, and accepted.
This month began with the fulfilment of some of my predictions for Feb 28. On March 5 the main body of the Purple Angel Monad entered into Earth. There followed widespread fogs and snow throughout the Northern hemisphere including 14” in one day, Amarillo Texas. Mt St Helens gave out a whale's blessing on March 7. This part of the Angel monad is called by Raphael ‘the Modicum’ meaning a small measure but also the ‘modifier body’ meaning that it functions to make modifications to Earth.
Much focus has been on earthquakes around the earth including Southern Japan 7.0 and Argentina 6.9 around March 23 and Sumatra on March 27. This is the same pattern as the December Tsunami and Earthquake (i.e early month beginnings, one month and one day endings.) You will remember I spoke of the Solar body of the Angel Monad came in December, then the Lunar body or Manitou in January.
There have been reports of fireballs and this is to do with the new fire which I wrote about in my article called “ A new Earth, a new Electricity and a new fire- monadic fire”
The latest earthquake was 93 days after the first which leads me to speculate another will occur about May 20 (144 days from the first.) This will be the tail of the Angel Monad entering. Be prepared for some spectacular shows about April 20.
There were not so many casualties in the latest earthquake 1300 compared to 288,000. This corresponds to my shift from Australia consciousness to global consciousness. When the Earth core is responded to in consciousness then its consciousness shift will surface in more mercy. This has been an expansion shift for me corresponding to Jupiter transit Jupiter at birth and some more kundalini release of my mastership.
The month ended with an article that appeared on Sydney TV where a stain was found on a red sheet in the form of a Jesus (to a man) and a Mary(to a woman). This follows on from a piece of toast with Jesus on it and a railing post which looks like Mary. This all could be a Cosmic Joke, very humerus. Hallelujah.
PS I have been a bit despondent about angelearthnews. The only people who seem to read it are NASA, CIA, KGB, RAAF, and AEC, Electricity commission and other assorted conspiracists, including Born-again christians. They are concerned not about terrorists, but massive liability claims in case people find out they have been irresponsible. They all take it so seriously.
Angels came before religion, race, gender, politics, and war. They are intimately involved with, and concerned for the evolution of Earth. I am just an angel monitor. So don't shoot me, shoot angels.
Life is precious
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