Thursday, February 10, 2005

Tobias and the Angel's Trumpets -angel story

Tobias is now thirteen. His mother says ' he is a beautiful boy. Whatever he takes up he masters in no time- artwork, music, archery, -he is an expert on the trampoline-the things he can do are unbelievable - he is daring but scary. But he says “I listen to my angels, If they say ‘that’s too much or too far’ I stop. If they say ‘walk home that way’ I do it and it works out” He used to do colour visualizations and rose meditations. Now he’s thirteen he says “I’m over that’.

I remember the night of his conception. I visited his mother and father. They were making, of all things an angel's trumpet flower essence. The beautiful big bell shaped flowers was there in a bowl of water pure and shimmering. It was evening and a full moon. I said “I’m not touching that’, it would be too strong. But as I left I put in a finger and touched it to my third eye.
I walked home along the dark forest road laughing and cackling to myself, my arms out in front going up and down like a big mouth saying “I’m a crocodile’ and laughing ‘I eat people. I did not know what I meant. It reminds me of the crocodile goddess.

As I went to sleep I eat some people by bringing their spirit into my belly which is like an alchemical pot that transformed them. Then I returned their spirits back to them healed. Very strange!

But what is stranger is that the couple conceived a child that night, and knew it. This child became Tobias.
She said ’the angel's trumpet essence took her deeper and deeper and deeper into the Spirit ocean and she began trance channeling the Goddess of the flower.’ At the birth she had the same experience, so Tobias’s second name became Delamore meaning ‘of the ocean’,

Note the connection here between the angel's trumpet flower and the deep ocean that I am pointing out as associated with the Purple Monad. The children of this soul group are likely to have beautiful powers and abilities, as also will we if we choose to accept and develop them. You may have fear or you may have beauty. Your choice not God’s

This was an example of a conscious conception and a conscious birth.

How can we be conscious in our birth? How can we be conscious in our conception? How can we be conscious in our death?
How can we be conscious in our life changes? How can we be conscious in our planet changes? How do we recognise our planet changes?
And how do we get beyond time to do it?


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