Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A New Earth, a New Electricity, a New Fire – Monadic Fire

A New Earth, a New Electricity, a New Fire – Monadic Fire
Article can also be viewed at http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/03/new-earth-new-electricity-new-fire.html

in the movement of a flower is the movement of the Universe
in the music of a flower is the music of the Universe
in the beauty of a flower is the beauty of the Universe
Archangel Raphael

Everyone I meet on the street knows the weather has been strange lately. The official channels are in denial about it all. They don’t want to panic us mere mortals.

Here is an example of the weather eccentricity[3]. Did you know that for electricity to flow requires an earth. And when the Earth (earth) varies, electricity goes out of control and the wrong switches flip. Goodness knows where that electricity is going! Perhaps Goddess Elektra knows?[4]

Recently scientists have discovered some new forms of lightning and electricity in the upper atmosphere of earth. These are called red sprites, blue jets and purple flashes. [5] The discovery of these has corresponded to the coming to Earth of what I call ‘monads’[6]. I have likened these to a galactic whale, having oceanic consciousness[7] Some people have called these ‘unknown power surges’[9].

They have also coincided with aurora blasts.

Lightning and fire are closely related. This new lightning is giving rise to a new fire,- a wet fire, a heatless fire. Are these clouds on fire?[10] (Jan 5 2004) Then this appears one year and one day later [11]. (6th Jan 2005) It is called a sunpillar but could very well be a golden whale’s spout?? I am calling this new fire ‘Whale fire” or ‘angel heart fire’. In the old days whale oil was used for lamps. It is very fiery and feels amazing. It’s strange that this oil comes from an animal that spends all its life in the ocean and eats little plankton. Then you might be able to look at this whale formation appearing in Mt St Helens volcano which has been very active lately.[12] What is a whale’s angel like, and its soul?

And this new electricity is like a stingray’s shock, or maybe an eel’s.

Are the Americans aware of these new energies and trying to figure out how to harness them? Is that the real purpose of the missile defence shield? For HAARP? Definitely the potential exists for new technology using this form of energy. Radionics already uses it. Also some forms of consciousness healing. Once this kind of lightning starts coming out of our body our hairs will stand on end. When it comes out of our hands miracles could happen![13]. We could use it to run our cars maybe. We might need to. The race is on.

In the 'giving' (perfume) of a flower is the 'giving' of the universe,
in the gift of a flower is the gift of the universe

Last night Mar 1 there was a 7.2 size earthquake near Darwin. Here we were woken by one very loud thunder clap. Even my father who is deaf woke up.

Email to angelconch2@hotmail.com
website http://www.2angelman.com/

[1] http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/02/electric-rumblings.html
[2] A good earthquake site http://tsunami.geo.ed.ac.uk/local-bin/quakes/mapscript/show_map.pl?mode=full_extent&layer=plates&layer=background&x=12&y=28
[3] http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/01/blackouts-and-earthchanges
[4] http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/02/goddess-electraelektra.html
[5] http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/solarsystem/rhessi_tgf.html
[6] http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/02/more-questions-and-answers-on-monads.html
[7] http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/01/oceanic-consciousness.html
[8] http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index601.htm
[9] http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/02/purple-monad-clouds-and-lightning-feb2.html
[10] www.2angelman.com/images/firecloudangels3.jpg
[11] http://www.skychasers.net/2005_01_06_copy.jpg
[12] http://angelearthnews.blogspot.com/2005/02/whaleplug-in-mt-st-helens.html
[13] www.2angelman.com


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