By Allan Moffatt c2005
For Angelearthnews
A bird flies.
My heart leaps.
A little welcoming is near.
As I walked this morning, a message popped into my awareness. ‘Take the long way home.’ A moment later, I looked up and saw two black swans winging past, single file, white tips fluttering. Ahh I thought, now I am getting my messages before the sign appears.
On other days, many days, in the morning, birds would pass by, in different formations, (flirt), grab my attentions. I would ask for their message, for that day, though the messages would just be beginning that day, and last for many days. Example. run; what does it mean to run?; what is inner running?; what is spiritual running? what if you had no legs to run? what would running mean? We take so much for granted.
Secret messages
Now that I think about each message held a secret that needed to be unfolded. What could be the messages of ‘take the long way home’? Ah, I remembered that not long before the message came, I watched two rare kingfishers being played with by the swallows, and the willy-wagtail danced around my feet.
Bird Auguries
This leads me to a little known form of fortune-telling that originated in Greek times. Telling the future by watching the flight of birds. I suppose it has a long Latin name that makes it sound important. A bird flies past, that’s not important, it’s a wonder, an everyday wonder. A bird sings, sometimes sweet melodies, sometimes funny ‘crarks’ and things, but then the trees and plants love it, and grow more splendid.
On the same day I wrote this, a story appeared on TV of a woodpecker thought to have been extinct for 60 years, suddenly showing herself to a man kayaking in an Arkansas forest. It is a beautiful story.
Here is an email conversation I had with Justine.
Justine: 10 April 2005
You talked about your dreams. Have you noticed an increase in vivid dreaming last week or so? I’ve been having some extremely interesting ones, involving healings/readings and stuff given to me in Latin, characters changing from male to female, and also hearing my name being called when I’m out and about, in familiar voices but no-one is there. Now, this in itself is not surprising – what is surprising is, that it is so loud, and clear and in voices I know but don’t know, if you can understand that. Something has revved up, and I’ve literally chucked my hands up, saying ‘OK, you do it, I don’t understand, but this is your thing and I’ll do what you want me to do.” It’s like I’m remembering what I agreed to do, before I came here.
Bird activity has increased here too, more swooping over me, looking into my eyes, calling out, and funnily enough, one of my friends is sending me some feathers she has as part of a collection – ‘just happened to have them.’ There you go. Love and light.
I replied:
You’re right about the birds. One, a wattle bird came, and sang one meter directly above me, for half an hour. This happened on two occasions. This morning just as I awoke the willy-wagtail was singing, and as he sang I was translating the story. A very interesting story, which I have forgotten, but it is still there somewhere. I have been seeing lots of people in my dreams and visions, lots, and hearing words spoken but all disconnected. I have a feeling this is what the angel hears of our prayers and dreamings. I have started going into them, and completing them for the people but there are so many. Can I add this story onto Angelearthnews?
Another lady said:
Today coming home from my job in Sydney central in the train, I looked out the window and saw a beautiful big soft cloud spreading across the eastern sky. It looked like one of your monads. It was beautiful, and looked like a big bird with a little one nearby. I gazed at it all the way home.
I replied;
I thought about this bird thing. I asked myself ‘what is the message for me.’ It was ‘go slow, a small bird becomes a big bird’.
On this same day I had seen a cartoon from ‘The Far Side’ which showed a huge big bird, with a small shadow next to a small man. This suggested to me, that at this time (April 10, 2005) the purple angel monad is ready to enter into our small human consciousness. Subsequent events have borne this out.
I also wondered if that brief glimpse of that cartoon had been enough for my ‘Other Self’ to generate that cloud in the sky. I have been known to do this before, though it is not very conscious. When I first explored the Angel’s Memory that Raphael had talked to me about, pink and green angel clouds were reported covering half the sky, in Sydney, 300 miles away. Sounds wild? The colours of the angel’s memory are pink and green.
This cloud making has been going on for 9 years now. It first appeared in my dreams where I was telling people in this old village that angel clouds would appear in a certain place, and when we went, there they were. On the first World Angel Day in 1996 the angel clouds appeared in the sky over Byron Bay beach where the celebrations were happening.
I have tested this many times. Until recently the way it was done eluded me. Then I found out about contrails, which are formed from cloud seeding using a silver nitrate solution in the exhaust of the jets to make clouds. My Navaho guide, who has been teaching me superconsciousness it seems like forever, is called SILVER CLOUD. Coincidence? Or one of my gifts?
I had also dreamed of fireballs of many colours appearing in the skies. Last night as I walked in the same place as the original message of this story, a slow meteor fell down. I began to think of the time I watched a fireball fall. The interesting thing was, I was looking exactly where it fell long before it came. I was in some hypnotic state. Authorities labelled it space junk, and it was seen as far away as Canberra 500 miles away. Space junk, yeah, they have to look like they know everything. But just as I thought about this, a fireball came down, exactly where I had previously seen the swans, and heard the message ‘take the long way home.‘
My angel Raphael is saying that fireballs are angel manifestations. They are signs of what is to come, and are bringing just that. Hidden Knowledge.
By Allan Moffatt c2005
For Angelearthnews
A bird flies.
My heart leaps.
A little welcoming is near.
As I walked this morning, a message popped into my awareness. ‘Take the long way home.’ A moment later, I looked up and saw two black swans winging past, single file, white tips fluttering. Ahh I thought, now I am getting my messages before the sign appears.
On other days, many days, in the morning, birds would pass by, in different formations, (flirt), grab my attentions. I would ask for their message, for that day, though the messages would just be beginning that day, and last for many days. Example. run; what does it mean to run?; what is inner running?; what is spiritual running? what if you had no legs to run? what would running mean? We take so much for granted.
Secret messages
Now that I think about each message held a secret that needed to be unfolded. What could be the messages of ‘take the long way home’? Ah, I remembered that not long before the message came, I watched two rare kingfishers being played with by the swallows, and the willy-wagtail danced around my feet.
Bird Auguries
This leads me to a little known form of fortune-telling that originated in Greek times. Telling the future by watching the flight of birds. I suppose it has a long Latin name that makes it sound important. A bird flies past, that’s not important, it’s a wonder, an everyday wonder. A bird sings, sometimes sweet melodies, sometimes funny ‘crarks’ and things, but then the trees and plants love it, and grow more splendid.
On the same day I wrote this, a story appeared on TV of a woodpecker thought to have been extinct for 60 years, suddenly showing herself to a man kayaking in an Arkansas forest. It is a beautiful story.
Here is an email conversation I had with Justine.
Justine: 10 April 2005
You talked about your dreams. Have you noticed an increase in vivid dreaming last week or so? I’ve been having some extremely interesting ones, involving healings/readings and stuff given to me in Latin, characters changing from male to female, and also hearing my name being called when I’m out and about, in familiar voices but no-one is there. Now, this in itself is not surprising – what is surprising is, that it is so loud, and clear and in voices I know but don’t know, if you can understand that. Something has revved up, and I’ve literally chucked my hands up, saying ‘OK, you do it, I don’t understand, but this is your thing and I’ll do what you want me to do.” It’s like I’m remembering what I agreed to do, before I came here.
Bird activity has increased here too, more swooping over me, looking into my eyes, calling out, and funnily enough, one of my friends is sending me some feathers she has as part of a collection – ‘just happened to have them.’ There you go. Love and light.
I replied:
You’re right about the birds. One, a wattle bird came, and sang one meter directly above me, for half an hour. This happened on two occasions. This morning just as I awoke the willy-wagtail was singing, and as he sang I was translating the story. A very interesting story, which I have forgotten, but it is still there somewhere. I have been seeing lots of people in my dreams and visions, lots, and hearing words spoken but all disconnected. I have a feeling this is what the angel hears of our prayers and dreamings. I have started going into them, and completing them for the people but there are so many. Can I add this story onto Angelearthnews?
Another lady said:
Today coming home from my job in Sydney central in the train, I looked out the window and saw a beautiful big soft cloud spreading across the eastern sky. It looked like one of your monads. It was beautiful, and looked like a big bird with a little one nearby. I gazed at it all the way home.
I replied;
I thought about this bird thing. I asked myself ‘what is the message for me.’ It was ‘go slow, a small bird becomes a big bird’.
On this same day I had seen a cartoon from ‘The Far Side’ which showed a huge big bird, with a small shadow next to a small man. This suggested to me, that at this time (April 10, 2005) the purple angel monad is ready to enter into our small human consciousness. Subsequent events have borne this out.
I also wondered if that brief glimpse of that cartoon had been enough for my ‘Other Self’ to generate that cloud in the sky. I have been known to do this before, though it is not very conscious. When I first explored the Angel’s Memory that Raphael had talked to me about, pink and green angel clouds were reported covering half the sky, in Sydney, 300 miles away. Sounds wild? The colours of the angel’s memory are pink and green.
This cloud making has been going on for 9 years now. It first appeared in my dreams where I was telling people in this old village that angel clouds would appear in a certain place, and when we went, there they were. On the first World Angel Day in 1996 the angel clouds appeared in the sky over Byron Bay beach where the celebrations were happening.
I have tested this many times. Until recently the way it was done eluded me. Then I found out about contrails, which are formed from cloud seeding using a silver nitrate solution in the exhaust of the jets to make clouds. My Navaho guide, who has been teaching me superconsciousness it seems like forever, is called SILVER CLOUD. Coincidence? Or one of my gifts?
I had also dreamed of fireballs of many colours appearing in the skies. Last night as I walked in the same place as the original message of this story, a slow meteor fell down. I began to think of the time I watched a fireball fall. The interesting thing was, I was looking exactly where it fell long before it came. I was in some hypnotic state. Authorities labelled it space junk, and it was seen as far away as Canberra 500 miles away. Space junk, yeah, they have to look like they know everything. But just as I thought about this, a fireball came down, exactly where I had previously seen the swans, and heard the message ‘take the long way home.‘
My angel Raphael is saying that fireballs are angel manifestations. They are signs of what is to come, and are bringing just that. Hidden Knowledge.
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