Thursday, April 21, 2005

Twins and the Angel School

Twins and the Angel School
Penny told me this story:
On several occasions when she was doing healing on a certain lady, a golden angel appeared and said the word “Clara”. Upon enquiring with the lady about this she said it was the name of her twin who had been stillborn, died at birth. Her twin as an angel had been teaching her, and she had been her twin’s representative on Earth, and learning from her also.

I said “it seems as though there is an Angel School. Some people who have passed over are in this School. They do not go onto further lives but come back and befriend us and lean in Angel School, get their angel wings. And we who are living can also while alive go to this same Angel School and learn the ways of angels, and have heaven on Earth. Sound good?

Remember that these people are not our ‘Guardian Angels’, as such. The real guardian angels have never been people. This is Raphael’s way of distinguishing them.


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