The Tsunami and the World Heart
The Tsunami and the World Heart.Continuing on from post "The purple double monad" Jn 4 2005
I was told the purple monad would come to the surface one month after Nov 29. I was concerned about what would need to happen after it reached the surface, how it would make itself known. When the 8.1 earthquake happened south of New Zealand on Dec 23 with no loss of life I was relieved, I felt I had done my job (i.e make the monad aware of the preciousness of human life). Obviously my effect was only in this area. (Australia)
Dec 26 came the tsunami. As of today (Jan 4)144,000 people had lost their lives. I am saying ‘sacrificed for the opening of the World heart.’ Notice that this is also the number for the Monad . My explanation for this is :
This monad has not been to Earth for maybe twelve thousand years. At that time, sacrifice of human life was common, usually in terms of the Nature Gods, fertility etc. It is rife in the Old testament. But sacrifice is not appropriate for this time. This being did not know this. Yet how else could it announce its coming to humanity, in a way that they would listen and take notice? What more dramatic entrance?
Poverty in these countries has been unaddressed for so long. How else could their condition be addressed than through some ‘sacrifices’? Life should be honoured so much more.
Concerning ‘sacrifice’
Many times I talked with Raphael about the number of dead at so so many disasters. Deep down in the human psyche is a belief in sacrifice. Even to many, the death of Jesus is still an example of the supreme sacrifice. To terrorists sacrifice by killing others is considered a ‘must’ for heavenly rewards. The value of one human life can never be overestimated. It is beyond ‘sacrifice’. It is so precious. Even angels would like to have some.
I worked with Raphael and we proved that accidents and evolutionary major shifts can happen without deaths. But it requires a lot of conscious-ness on the part of people, and a willingness to listen to the angels, and talk to them. It is so sad when heart-openings are not embraced except through accidents and disasters. And when the official line on weather changes and earth changes is ’This is normal. Don’t panic.’ Only by being conscious can we accept the new and feel empowered, and contribute to the evolutionary shift, and have hope.
The Stingray bay drownings Jan 2.
Several people were swept away by unusual waves at Stingray Bay.(Victoria) I remembered that when I first had contact with Purple Monad at Halloween she came as the goddess Electra moving as an angel ray (stingray) moves. This is its totem animal. This reminds me of this story that happened with me.
I live by the river. There are many angel rays here, some up to one metre across. There are very few fish. I looked out my window one day. A boy was fishing on the wharf. I felt sorry for him, remembering that when I was a boy there was lots of fish to be caught here. Then I saw he had something on his line, something big. When I went out he had caught a very large angel ray, and the ray was very angry. They cut the line but the hook was still in the ray. I was upset, for both of them Then I heard the father call the boy’s name. It was Raphael.
Since Jan 1 I have felt the presence of the saints in the water currents of the atmosphere. I felt the spirits and bodies of the dead had merged into the life force of the planetary currents and tides. This kind of thing had happened to the space shuttle Columbia. Seven people’s spirits merged with the upper atmosphere, and at 9/11 where more than 2000 merged their bodies into the lower atmosphere of the planetary body.
I have also felt a new kind of etheric healing fire streaming from my hands and arms . I am assuming this comes as an opening of the planetary heart, and represents a step for humanity, equivalent to the bringing of fire to Earth (in Greek mythology, by Prometheus). The potential for healing remains to be discovered.
I felt this strongest while waving my hand from my window when driving. I could feel the energies, beautiful colours, releasing from me, and entering into the currents in certain areas. I noticed many other people were also doing this as they drove along..
Today I saw flotsam and jetsam.
Author is Allan angelman Moffatt. Email website blog address
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