Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Violet world peace

Update 11.5.03
World Peace, World War, World Threat, the World Angel (Violet Monad)
Inspired by Raphael, Archangel of Healing
World peace already exists, as an energy, and as a force. In the same way World war
already exists. There will always be the possibility of war. Yet there will always be a
choice. You can choose. You can choose to see and take part in war, or you can choose to
see and take part in peace. You can have peace and fight. You can have war and be
loving. But some people think that if there is Peace on Earth then they will have peace in
themselves. This is an illusion. Do you really think George Bush will have peace after the
war? Some people are saying "No war’, yet they are looking at war. This is giving energy
to the War god. By singing "Give peace a chance’, they are giving thoughts back to the
Peace god.
The Enemy is within us.
When we feel we are victims then we create enemies. But our real enemy is ignorance;
not knowing what is going on; on the other side. Any ignorance is our enemy. And
knowledge is power, not guns.
We are under threat by the Violet World Angel
This was brought home to me in this way. I sent a friend an email called ‘This is spooky’.
It was about wish-fulfilment. Yet it had a condition line. I did not notice this, yet that is
all she saw. She saw it all as threat. She could have chosen to take part in some wishing
but she chose to take part in the threat. I wondered, where is the threat coming from.
Really. Then it hit me. We are threatened by change, be it revolutionary or evolutionary.
And from my talks with angels what is bringing drastic change this year is called the
Violet Monad . She is a World Angel. You could call her Angelme. The Angels are
saying that each year for 12 years, a new World angel will be arriving on Earth after
traveling on the pathway of Harmonic Convergence from the Great Central Sun. The
monads have a very large consciousness akin to a galactic whale. The Violet monad will
bring a transformation of our feelings of abandonment. All our complexes that revolve
around our abandonment will be threatened. For some, there whole life sits on a root that
is abandonment. They will feel very threatened. A very big tree will need to be pulled
out. This is a major operation.
Question! What did you do after the abandonment?
Manifestations of the Violet Monad
I am trained by the angels to recognize the signs. The new strain of deadly flu virus
coming out of China is one sign. If you are willing to evolve, the strain will pass right
over you. Some people would rather die than change, or in this case give up their feelings
of abandonment.
On Autumn equinox mar 21, there was a dust storm throughout the country followed by a
"line’ storm. It showed on the weather map as a line. Here where I am, this was followed
by a beautiful sunset with golden rays on a violet background. I had never seen this
before. Last year a similar line storm with green in the clouds heralded the coming of the
Green or Jade monad.
On Angel Gabriel’s birthday March 26th, the Angel was saying to me "it is not comets or
asteroids coming out of the sky that is the danger.’ The very next day a meteorite fell
with an eerie blue colour into the suburbs of Chicago and three U.S. states. A very bright
light was seen half as bright as the sun. The 2 meter wide meteorite was thought to have
broken into 500 fragments. ‘Fragments’ is also the word that the angels use to describe
the parts of the monad. These meteorite fragments seemed to just roll into the houses
without doing too much damage. Was this a manifestation?
The Importance of abandonment issues
Tribal Abandonment is Death.
In aboriginal tribes abandonment in the form of casting out was delivered as punishment.
It may have involved pointing the bone and meant death. In horse herds where there is a
pecking order, the rivals to the boss will be cast out. Similarly with bees.
The True Wishes
On the positive side this Angel will deliver us into our True Wishes. This is a magic that
is new on Earth. Look out for it. It is coming your way. I am seeing so much beautiful
violet, lavender and white gold light that I have never ever seen before.
Healing from the Violet monad (Angelme)
Call on this angel to heal your abandonment. Dance your Abandonment. Make a True
wish. Do this three times. Call on this angel to heal the Forsaken. Do this nine times. All
will be well. Blessings and Good Luck.
Update 11.5.03
Abandonment and isolation and freedom
On the day I first sent this out I noticed on TV that the Americans were printing leaflets
with a cartoon and a caption which said ‘We will not abandon you’. These were to be
dropped into Baghdad. These forces are operating at this level
Associated with abandonment is isolation. Fear of abandonment comes with fear of
isolation, and separation. But in life at the right time the child will separate from the
mother, or father. Then the feelings of abandonment will show their heads. They are there
for all of us. The positive outlook for abandonment and isolation is freedom and
connectedness. North Korea is going through its own drama of evolving from isolation
into freedom.
Prayers and wishes
Prayers are a form of wish. A new era of prayer fulfilment has been entered into When
the prayers are real the Angels are offering the prayers through you. You are one in the
Angel Consciousness. Then the prayers are bound to come into operation. They are angel
prayers. World peace is such a prayer. Angel intervention is such a prayer. Everlasting
love is such a prayer.
This story appeared recently in the newspaper.
A man had to cut his own arm off to save his life. His arm had been caught under a rock
when he was walking alone in a remote canyon.
He said he felt a surge of energy on the third day, which happened to be the National Day
of Prayer.
‘I may never fully understand the spiritual aspects of what I experienced but I will try’
‘The source of power I felt was the thoughts and prayers of many people most of whom I
will never know.’ It was May 1.
Update 31 may 2003
On the 16th May I had a strong contact. I walk on the beach and angel clouds appear in
the sky. On this day the sense of signs was strong. First a rainbow appeared and as I
watched the Violet Monad energy appeared in the clouds to the East. This was obviously
feminine, like veils with a golden edge in the sunlight. When I turned to look behind
there was the intensest blue conjoined clouds, to the west taking up half the sky. The sun
was breaking through its center so that it appeared like a massive spacecraft with light
beams shining from its center. It also looked like if it had wings as an angel has, they
were all folded up. Angel Raphael led me to what they call it: VIOLET13. I watched as
fisherman pulled in about 3000 large fish in the nets over 20 minutes, with reminders of
Jesus and the fishermen, and how I still can’t see how its done but there is an art to it.
The next day when I went into the library a little boy was pointing at a video. His mum
said that he couldn’t take it out. So I took it out. It was called Prophecies and Predictions.
It spoke of the Blue star prophecy of the Hopi Indians and of it being the last of 10
prophecies. All the others have been fulfilled.
I remembered the meteorite that had fallen in Chicago had an eerie blue colour. Also
there had been more than 500 twisters in the Midwest not long ago but this is what I was
getting from the angel.Raphael. He called it the blue Star-monad. It was a being with an
extremely large consciousness, not a physical star as such, but a being. A monad has 144
parts but a star-monad has 144 parts and 13 dimensions. A monad is like a galactic whale
but a star monad is coming in from universal space. Here is the possibility for a major
major expansion, unheard of. But like the whale as symbol of the unconscious, most of
this will be unconscious but the possibility will be there to make it conscious by uniting
all our little parts.
My intuition is that it is following the pathway of Harmonic Convergence and will enter
into the structure of the Harmonic Concordance, the lunar eclipse of Nov8-9. See
www.astrosite.com. This being will swamp Earth. My sense is it is associated with
Solomon, Sheba and a new Justice.
During June, Pluto passes through the same sphere as early this year and also at the
harmonic concordance. This will be a trial run. I would like to know from people what
their personal experiences are, especially on June 13 (the full moon and exact position of
Pluto) coming close to the equinox June 21. Note that it is 144 days inclusive from June
21 to Nov 11, the 11:11 stargate.
About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at www.theCelestials.com
else www. 2angelman.com.
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books


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