Monday, January 17, 2005

Tsunami gold and the World NDE

Tsunami Gold and the World NDE
Continuing on from the Tsunami and the World Heart article 6th Jan
14th Jan
I experienced this visualization. The tsunami people were rising out of the ocean and walking the golden path towards the sun (as in the photo above). They let go of their flotsam and jetsam on which they had written messages such as “I commend my soul to you’, the you being both us and the ocean.

The feeling was of rapture.

It reminded me that several people had told me of photos of people, which showed golden auras, who within a week of the photo being taken had died. Another lady told me she had a premonition a person would die. This occurred on several occasions and scared her. I told her that this is a useful skill to develop because people need to know when they are going to die, so they can be ready, though we should always be ready. Our ‘passing over’ is already giving us a signal in our auric field and gets stronger as we get closer to that time.
I also saw photos, taken on several different occasions, of a young boy’s gravestone that was surrounded in emerald and gold lights.

16th Jan
Today marks the beginning of the fourth week since the tsunami. Many people offered flower wreathes to the ocean. Somehow they know that the ocean has taken up the consciousness of those who had drowned. The ocean not just near the earthquake site, but the Ocean all over the world.

The Ocean now demands our respect.

I noticed a picture in the paper of a group of surfers who had formed a circle in the surf in their remembrance ceremony. It reminded me of my experience on 29th Nov where the coming of the monad was heralded by a circular rainbow around the sun which slowly changed into a snow white ring. (See my blog at
titled ’the coming of the Monads cont’ Jan 4 2005 )

The World Near Death Experience.
It occurred to me that we are all in a near death experience process. Just as those who have had near death experiences come back with special abilities and powers as well as a deeper respect for life, and a sense of peace, this will come to many of us.

According to the NDE process given to me by Archangel Raphael there should now be 3 weeks of deliverence, representing the three stages of release from earthly life of those who had died and the three stages of return of a New Spirit for those who survived (all of us). This will be followed from about Feb 6 (for 2 weeks) where many (perhaps millions) will experience heightened sensibilities, even might I say enlightenment. This will include a greater love and understanding for the Earth and the Ocean and her processes.
Let me know of what comes to you. love Angelman

Jan 18 Seven goddesses came to me today beginning with Tara goddess of compassion. the dead asked me to be a voice for them. Nearly 2 million Muslim prayed in Mecca. Carl Jung came in my dreams to teach me the Law of Eros

There are two new articles here. One is called ‘Oceanic consciousness’ and the other ‘The Monad and the God-spark”


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