Monday, February 14, 2005

fohat and the fiery angels -from Brenda

Fohat and the fiery angels
Something came to me when I read your email today...

When we first started to email, you made a comment that the energies in the northern hemisphere are incarnating and in the southern hemisphere are 'excarnating'. You also commented something in regard to Americans being into the higher chakras because of the incarnating energies.

The concept of 'fohat' has crossed my mind. Do you suppose that Electra brings cosmic electricity (kundalini) to interact with the planetary kundalini of the southern hemisphere? And as a result, a kind of alchemical transformation will be the result, much like the 'sacred marriage' of human and divine or cosmic and planetary? I would say the energy shifting that's gone on within consciousness is all about birfthing the 'divine child' (Christ Consciousness) that is the product of the sacred marriage. It is something that has already happened for some but not for the masses. It seems to me that the opening of the 'world heart' is precursor to giving expression to (5th) and seeing (6th) an opening to the mysteries (7th) for the masses. It's something to think about anyway. That might explain Manitou in the context you're looking for.

I decided to go to a nearby convenience store today. For some odd reason, I glanced at the clock in my car. It was 5:55 pm. I looked out the window and to the northeast was an awesome gift! The sky was baby blue and there were some beautifiul luminous purple, pink, peach and white clouds. the colors were all mixed together. Imagine my surprise...the silhouette was that of 3 dolphins!!! Two were very close together and the third was a little bit above them, like they were swimming in a pod... It was awesome! Today was very warm for Feb. and it's supposed to be in the 60's and 70's for the next couple days. Unbelievable! I closed my windows tonight around 11pm.

One evening last week, the sun set behind clouds of brilliant purple, white and orange and the next evening, the sun was a humongous bright orange globe hanging at the horizon.

Feb. 2 + 2+8, 2+00+5 =19. That led me to Qur'an, surah 74. It's the only time '19' is mentioned in the book. It refers to19 angels that guard the gates of hell. It also ties in with the book of Daniel that says the essence of all angels is that of fire, thousands of them issued forth as a fiery stream from before the Ancient of Days whose throne was like the fiery flame and His wheels as burning fire.

From ed. She refers to 28.2.05. 19 is also the number for the whale consciousness.I have been saying the monad are like whales. here is a rticle and photo of Mt St Helens showing whale shaped plug. This is pointing towards the connection between fire and whales.
about the Fohat


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