Some scientific sources are coming in relating to monads
Some scientific sources are coming in relating to monads.This is a Russian lady. She calls monads ‘power surges’ and the angel energies are ‘cosmic rays’. This is her book. Her site is
Songs of the Universe: Resonant Frequencies Comparisons between Cosmic Rays, Earthquakes and World Weather
By: Sorcha Faal (English) $28.00 + $4.50 shipping and handling (US funds)
As bears know when to hibernate, birds know when and where to fly and trees know when to shed their leaves and awake again in the springtime; new research is showing that human beings have also been endowed with many seemingly like magical abilities. Current and historical research into the lives of Feral Children have shown scientists the world over, and over many centuries, that human beings are indeed born with abilities that connect us to our earth, other life and even the Universe. This knowledge combined with current Russian research into human DNA is beginning to show an astounding array of human abilities that there is no other word that can be used to describe them other than magical and miraculous. Further examined are historical occurrences where a very few individuals in power have designed a truly world-world wide system to suppress these inherent gifts in children, of all societies and countries, and the apparent collapsing of these same barriers by a ‘force’ (God?) becoming ever more apparent and from without the sphere of our planet.
Dr. Ed Mercurio from the Natural Sciences Department of the United States Hartnell College talks of the galactic nature of these power surges and their effect on the environment.
“The Effects of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Weather and Climate on Multiple Time Scales” and in which he states, “In this article, evidence is presented that galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are a major forcing agent on weather and climate on multiple time scales ranging from weekly through glacial-interglacial.
Known effects of GCRs are used to explain phenomena and observations in the fields of meteorology, climatology, paleoclimatology and paleoecology.
Evidence is presented that primary effects of increases in levels of GCRs are increases in the amounts of low clouds- especially over the tropics, increases in the albedo of low clouds and decreases of the temperature of and increases of the strength of the stratospheric polar vortex.
This has widespread effects on atmospheric circulation including the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
Other effects of increases in levels of GCRs include increases in relative humidities and surface condensation, possible decreases in average amounts of precipitation and increases in storm intensities (vorticity area index).”
Science daily reports:
Some mysterious source from beyond the Galaxy periodically zaps Earth with high energy cosmic rays from all directions
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