Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Miracle of the Whale and the Snow.

The Miracle of the Whale and the Snow.

I was down at Hungry head lookout. A sunny day. The ocean was doing its thing. I looked out to see the short vertical rainbow that indicates whales. The old-timers say ‘there’s a pod at the end of the rainbow’.

There is a hypnotic feeing when the whale is around. You can almost feel you are in the whale’s aura; the presence and the consciousness is tangible. Some say the very air carries their smell, and the perfume has a richness to it.

This day I watched, and watched , and was mesmerized. My heart was opened and filled, and expanded. The whale came closer and waved his huge flipper again and again, plunking down afterwards each time.

I drove towards home in great serenity. Soon I noticed a rainbow had formed, and came closer and closer till my car was going along in the middle of the rainbow as if it were a spiritual cave.

When I stopped for fruit, a friend said it had snowed at Gordonville crossing. Snow, at Gordonville crossing? How could that be?

I drove there and sure enough in a thirty meter area there was still snow on the ground. I could not believe it. This was unheard of, almost impossible. It was a sunny day, not a breeze. Not a cloud in the sky. Not a drop of rain. It’s not cold enough here to ever to snow. It’s never even cold.
Then I remembered the whale. The spout goes up and then at a distant place the snow comes down. Miracle? Amazing!

Snow is formed from very fast upward and downward energies. I have seen this up and down energies with whales many times since, and short vertical rainbows. As a matter of fact that’s when I made the connection between the Angel Monads and the whales. I tried to take a photo of one of these rainbows from a whale but an angel monad appeared when it was developed. At that time it was the Blood Angel Monad.


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