8 foot millipede fossil found
Last week Raphael dropped a bombshell on me by referring to the awakening of a new gene, the centipede gene ???????. then I found this article. Note that the millipede referred to lived in an environment of 30% oxygen compared to our present 21% oxygen.This leads me to speculate about what happens to us at different oxygen levels such as altitude.
emerald fireball
NEW ENGLAND METEOR: A brilliant green fireball streaked over New England last night, Sunday, April 24th, at about 8 pm EDT. What was it? Probably a small asteroid, sofa-sized or so, breaking up in Earth's atmosphere. Such space rocks hit Earth frequently, but they are seldom observed because they appear, e.g., during the day or over uninhabited ocean. This one, unlike most, broke up over a densely populated area during the dark of evening while many people were still awake to see it.
From Zen master Raphael
Where does a dolphin have its bed?
Not on the seabed!!!
The Miracle of the tree
Dear Family, we have lived in our house for over 9 yeas now and we are so lucky because within our garden we have part of a virgin woodland....very ambivalent to human beings, wild and natural and that is the way we have kept it...we made some lawn and a rockery near to the house where there were no trees and everything looks very organic - moss covered, ferns, wild primroses, bluebells, irises and wood anemonies.....how lucky....................anyways, there is one tree standing alone amongst the rocks that has been dead ever since we have been here...never a sign of life, and now suddenly there are buds appearing....how can this be possible...birds have started sitting in it as if they know or are encouraging its growth....any ideas how this could happen? Love Carolyn
CarolynR@eircom.netThis story really touched me.
My comments 'the energies of the purple angel monad have been entering from the Earth core into the earth and soil itself, then pushing up through our feet into our conscious minds. Some people have been having foot problems due to resistance and some jaw problems. For myself my brain has been getting reorganised and many angels have appeared to give alignment, and a dolphin swam near. Imagine purple light and feel the purple light in the ground.This will help adjustments'
galactic and univers-al light
Here we have an example of univers-al light manifesting during the solar eclipse of April8
Twins and the Angel School
Twins and the Angel School
Penny told me this story:
On several occasions when she was doing healing on a certain lady, a golden angel appeared and said the word “Clara”. Upon enquiring with the lady about this she said it was the name of her twin who had been stillborn, died at birth. Her twin as an angel had been teaching her, and she had been her twin’s representative on Earth, and learning from her also.
I said “it seems as though there is an Angel School. Some people who have passed over are in this School. They do not go onto further lives but come back and befriend us and lean in Angel School, get their angel wings. And we who are living can also while alive go to this same Angel School and learn the ways of angels, and have heaven on Earth. Sound good?
Remember that these people are not our ‘Guardian Angels’, as such. The real guardian angels have never been people. This is Raphael’s way of distinguishing them.
The Miracle of the Whale and the Snow.
The Miracle of the Whale and the Snow.
I was down at Hungry head lookout. A sunny day. The ocean was doing its thing. I looked out to see the short vertical rainbow that indicates whales. The old-timers say ‘there’s a pod at the end of the rainbow’.
There is a hypnotic feeing when the whale is around. You can almost feel you are in the whale’s aura; the presence and the consciousness is tangible. Some say the very air carries their smell, and the perfume has a richness to it.
This day I watched, and watched , and was mesmerized. My heart was opened and filled, and expanded. The whale came closer and waved his huge flipper again and again, plunking down afterwards each time.
I drove towards home in great serenity. Soon I noticed a rainbow had formed, and came closer and closer till my car was going along in the middle of the rainbow as if it were a spiritual cave.
When I stopped for fruit, a friend said it had snowed at Gordonville crossing. Snow, at Gordonville crossing? How could that be?
I drove there and sure enough in a thirty meter area there was still snow on the ground. I could not believe it. This was unheard of, almost impossible. It was a sunny day, not a breeze. Not a cloud in the sky. Not a drop of rain. It’s not cold enough here to ever to snow. It’s never even cold.
Then I remembered the whale. The spout goes up and then at a distant place the snow comes down. Miracle? Amazing!
Snow is formed from very fast upward and downward energies. I have seen this up and down energies with whales many times since, and short vertical rainbows. As a matter of fact that’s when I made the connection between the Angel Monads and the whales. I tried to take a photo of one of these rainbows from a whale but an angel monad appeared when it was developed. At that time it was the Blood Angel Monad.
Awakening from coma
Extract from my book on Angel consciousness:
Sometimes we have to bend.
There are new phenomenon happening all the time. Statues are drinking milk. A cross of Christ is appearing in a window holographically so that in every small piece of it you always see a cross. Since May 1999 when the planets formed this alignment in the sky crosses have been appearing. The Cross signifies resurrection, but before even a resurrection can occur there must be a resuscitation. One must be brought out of death, out of sleep, out of numbness.
The poisoned land
Some land had been poisoned, used for a tip and generally abused. The land has said ‘no thanks’ and it’s consciousness has left. Trees were planted none survived, over several years. I sent out ‘care’ and ‘kindness’ to it to help it wake. One day I felt the time was right. I began imaging a blue Christ cross in the air above the area. Later we planted trees and they all survived. Regeneration had occurred.
The body is like the land. For regeneration to occur in a part of it, first there has to be resuscitation, then there has to be resurrection. Many diseases have arisen out of abuse. We all have been abused. Neglect can be abuse. Denial will not achieve any results. The pathway that leads to health is:
To heal a part of the body from chronic disease, first there must be consciousness in the area. This is resuscitation. Then it must be released from death (or immortality as the case may be). This is resurrection. And then time given for regeneration. These are the 3 R’s.
At the corresponding times are the 3 stages of incarnating, coming onto Earth;
The soul aspect is achieving its purpose. Its focus, as all angels’, is Earth. The Earth is the Centre of the World of Purpose, of soul fulfillment. This is the Angel’s love.
From Horses to Angels
From Horses to Angels
Allan Moffatt has been an equine acupuncturist for 20 years. He grew up, and lived in the city where he had no contact with horses until he was in his thirties. He talks about the emotions of horses, the sensitivity of horses, and their spirit.
Horses often feel grief yet rarely do you see them cry. The grief becomes expressed in other ways such as weeping ulcers, abscesses and lung problems. When they are moved to a new place they will often fret, which is expressed, by manic pacing to and fro day and night, aggression and whinnying. They miss their friends and fear their new situation.
Horses are very sensitive. Their skin may seem thick but they can feel the biting of any flies, mosquitoes and tiny invisible midges. They may be constantly moving twitching and foot stamping for hours on end. They are sensitive to touch, to warmth from your hands and also to the energy from your hands as they express kindness and understanding. They should be treated the way babies and small children are treated. Unfortunately they are very big, powerful land sometimes scary, ‘big kids’. Assurance works well with this. The better the horse the more responsive they are.
Horse hypnosis
Horses also begin their lives with two sides to their brain. These two sides often do not know what the other side is doing. If you teach them on one side you often have to teach them again the same thing on the other side. Their ‘brains’ are not communicating. I use this fact to do Hypnosis on the horses. By shifting their attention backwards and forwards from one brain to the other, they can be easily put into a very sleepy trance-like state, and old learned responses released from their spirit bodies.
FACT: A horse begins losing its coat at the winter solstice, not at the end of winter when the cold has ended, as you might expect. The thick coat is not from warmth but a response to less light and more dark in the day. When I first heard this I was quite surprised. This tells me that the horse is a being of Light not warmth or Fire. This is why Pegasus can sometimes be seen as a being of light flying in the night sky.
Horses have a spirit that needs to be nurtured and kept intact. This will help get the most value out of the horse. Breaking their spirit is not useful. Nurturing their spirit is the way to go. They say ‘a horse is a big heart on legs’ and also ‘the earth rises up into the horse form, and a heart is put into it’.
When I am working on a horse I often see their angels appear and come into the horse. When this happens I know the horse has retrieved its spirit and that it will be well.
Story of horse called ‘Angel’.
I was working on a beautiful grey warmblood. I saw the angel of light come into her. Just as I asked ‘what is this horse’s name, the owner said ‘she is called ‘Angel’.
Each of us also has a guardian angel that nurtures and protects us. I use a drawing called an angel signature to bring people more into touch with their guardian angel, so they can develop their full potential and special gifts.
angels and the genetic code.
Some initial thoughts concerning angels and the genetic code.
Each gene has a signature that can be used to access it.
To activate the gene use the signature.
effect on gene , after activation it requires evolution or growth.
when a gene is not functioning it is in a coma state. In this case use the resuscitation, resurrection, regeneration sequence as in article.
in this case issues of timing will need to be determined.
some resistance may occur. In this case clear the family history, and the family lines
Remember that the genetic code only creates the physical vehicle that the soul will use to make its way into the world and fulfil its purpose.
A perfect genetic code does not make a perfect being, nor does it lend itself to perfection, which is a soul quality.
The imperfections in the genetic code lend themselves to fulfilling specific life goals and pathways, and the development of special strengths and gifts.
The healing of the gene weakness must be done by someone other than their parents. Godparents are good. The parent with the inactive chromosome should be treated at the same time.
Else if the cause is poor imprinting at conception then the signature can be re-imprinted. Use the figure 8 movement to clear subsequent blockages.
The Angel Mirror --- angel exercise.
The Angel Mirror --- angel exercise.
This is a lovely little thing to do that will open up your heart.
Imagine a mirror that works like this. When you look in the mirror, the reflection you see is your angel. Imagine that the angel is on the other side of this two-way mirror, and the reflection that they see is you.
As you breathe in you are saying to them “I love you’. And as you breathe out they are saying to you, ‘I love you’.
Continue this for as long as you can.
April 20 sun spectacular
As I foretold the sun released a spectacular show of 'prominences' around April 20 , the end of the 144 day cycle since the first Purple monad entry point Nov 28. 2004
more here
I watched the sunrise, then one hour later in my peripheral vision. I watched a second sunrise with some beautiful colours. That night I awoke being illuminated from within by some soft pastel coloured Lights. Gradually as my mind came into consciusness they disappeared. I felt very blessed and hoped that others had had similar experiences.
Earthquake dream
Aug 8 Solar eclipse day
I dreamed I was in an earthquake. When I woke I could hear the sea. I worried about a tsunami.That's how real the feeling in the dream was. But when I looked and saw the street lights were still on I was reassured. In the old days eclipses and earthquakes were often associated.
This was one of those past life experience dreams.
I also had a flying dream from a past life. The feeling of flying is amazing. But one can take a plane these days. Lots of love am
Unusual events sharks and krill
Thousands of sharks were filmed off the coast of Florida. It reminded me that after the Tsunami giant krill from South America were washed up in California.
Fireball and Angel Wind at Pope's funeral
April 9
Two hours before the funeral a fireball was captured on a British T channel over St Peters Cathedral. Later I saw a picture of the cardinals with the wind blowing things all around. Looked like an action shot from "The Last supper'. Very often when doing the angel's dance the angels come on the wind this way.
The Pope and Famous Last Words
The Pope and Famous Last Words
The last words of the Pope before he died were 'I have looked for you. Now you have come to me. And I thank you'.
This shows to me the significance of the 'famous last words'. One reveals one's true essence at this point, and posterity will remember one by saying those words. This is the gate to one's immortality.
I am not saying he was a saint but this reminded me in its quality of the famous last words I had channelled from the various saints as part of my 'Celestial Grail essences' see
St Anthony
'I am in you'
St George
'I am with you though death do us part'
St Agnes
'I am a rose' as she points to the rose.
St Patrick
'I flow, now.
St Petroc
I go to carry. Carry me with you.' As he is carried out on a stretcher.
St Joseph
'I shall be in ice (look for me there)'
St Teresa
'I shall be free'
St Sebastion
'I give you my life
That you may give unto others.'
St Andrew
'I go now.' He leaves quickly
St Francis
'I must fly'
St Nicholas
'Hear me, hear me'
St John the Beloved
'To you I go.
I offer myself'
AngelEarthNews Monthly report April 9 2005
AngelEarthNews Monthly report April 9 2005
From angelman Allan Moffatt in Australia
http://angelearthnews.blogspot.comToday is a solar eclipse. This particular eclipse marks the official beginnings of the Magic Tradition in angels for this epoch. Many angels will reveal themselves as the moon passes before the sun, cancels the solar lightshine and leaves us only with the galactic and universal lightshine around the periphery. This is where may see the angel monads more clearly.
This month has been a disaster for angelearthnews. Many things have happened. They are bye the bye. A new phase will begin soon. Only uplifting articles of the heart will be appearing. Earth is moving forward, that is to be expected, and accepted.
This month began with the fulfilment of some of my predictions for Feb 28. On March 5 the main body of the Purple Angel Monad entered into Earth. There followed widespread fogs and snow throughout the Northern hemisphere including 14” in one day, Amarillo Texas. Mt St Helens gave out a whale's blessing on March 7. This part of the Angel monad is called by Raphael ‘the Modicum’ meaning a small measure but also the ‘modifier body’ meaning that it functions to make modifications to Earth.
Much focus has been on earthquakes around the earth including Southern Japan 7.0 and Argentina 6.9 around March 23 and Sumatra on March 27. This is the same pattern as the December Tsunami and Earthquake (i.e early month beginnings, one month and one day endings.) You will remember I spoke of the Solar body of the Angel Monad came in December, then the Lunar body or Manitou in January.
There have been reports of fireballs and this is to do with the new fire which I wrote about in my article called “ A new Earth, a new Electricity and a new fire- monadic fire”
The latest earthquake was 93 days after the first which leads me to speculate another will occur about May 20 (144 days from the first.) This will be the tail of the Angel Monad entering. Be prepared for some spectacular shows about April 20.
There were not so many casualties in the latest earthquake 1300 compared to 288,000. This corresponds to my shift from Australia consciousness to global consciousness. When the Earth core is responded to in consciousness then its consciousness shift will surface in more mercy. This has been an expansion shift for me corresponding to Jupiter transit Jupiter at birth and some more kundalini release of my mastership.
The month ended with an article that appeared on Sydney TV where a stain was found on a red sheet in the form of a Jesus (to a man) and a Mary(to a woman). This follows on from a piece of toast with Jesus on it and a railing post which looks like Mary. This all could be a Cosmic Joke, very humerus. Hallelujah.
PS I have been a bit despondent about angelearthnews. The only people who seem to read it are NASA, CIA, KGB, RAAF, and AEC, Electricity commission and other assorted conspiracists, including Born-again christians. They are concerned not about terrorists, but massive liability claims in case people find out they have been irresponsible. They all take it so seriously.
Angels came before religion, race, gender, politics, and war. They are intimately involved with, and concerned for the evolution of Earth. I am just an angel monitor. So don't shoot me, shoot angels.
Life is precious
Angeearthnews is at
http://angelearthnews.blogspot.comMy webpage is
Galactic center burper
Here is some confirmation of my insight that the origin of the earth changes is coming from the universal centre via the galactic centre and the sun to the earth core.
Note the date corresponds to world angel day 2002 and the incoming angel monad is the Green or jade monad. Note also Nasa only recently released this report even though the origin is 2002. They may have been reading my site.