Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Bluejets and Blue star monad

Here you will find some pics which could relate to blue star monad even a pic

How to look, to see angels

How to look, to see angels

Look at this photo .
see the colours emanating from the circle.
Imagine them extending out of the photo, coming alive.
When you are ready let them enter you.

The faculties you need in order to see the emanations in the photo are the same faculties you need to develop in order to look to see the angels around us.

This is a photo of the Emerald star monad taken at sunrise at North Brother Mountain Dec 23 2004 Laurieton. NS Australia Traditionally it is called ‘Mountain of Peace’. I could see the shining of the sunrise on the ocean with the emerald sheen all around. I knew it was aware of me. As it came closer I took photos .

Working with the earth - article 1

How to work with the Earth -Article 1

Feel the Quiet
Lie on the Ground
Shake (yourself)

(receive healing from the Earth. Listen for new directions)

Let this be a regular practice. Simple always works best.

Angels:in earthchanges Vs global warming

Angels in Earthchanges vs Global warming

Many people are confusing the current spate of weather anomalies and earth changes with global warming.
Global warming is a long term climate change and will continue. The increase in ultraviolet levels represents a state conducive to ‘angels’ in general to be seen, and to do their work.

The drastic weather changes and Earthchanges are being brought about by the Monads entering into our atmosphere and into our Earth as part of the transition into the Golden Age, which will begin after 2012. These weather changes are transitional, not permanent.

In the atmosphere the movement of the monads creates very fast upwards and downwards movements, extending well into the upper atmosphere. This creates conditions ripe for snow, hail, lightning storms and hurricanes.
After they enter the Earth they proceed to the Earth's Core exchanging polarities and then after one month return to the surface where they will need to broach the surface. Here is when earthquakes can occur

The monadic hosts are moving up and down quickly like breathe in the atmosphere. Imagine them as colourful light beings moving and spinning and dancing their joy. They are articles of faith and love.

The Earth is undergoing a big change akin to birth. Powerful forces are coming in to play. First we must recognize this, then we must know we can communicate with them, then we must know they are not all-knowing, they are not God and they need our help. They do not understand the present human condition, perhaps I should say how could they. There is no judgement, nor Judgement on their behalf.

Through my angel Raphael I have learned about them. Many others know about them. They have not been around, mostly, for at least 12,000 years when Earth culture, responsibilities and stewardship was more unaware of the Law. Later came the ten commandments etc till this day.

The preciousness of life must be the first new law. Accidents and disasters can happen without loss of life, and with the minimum of damage. We must cooperate with the angelic realms on this. This is a Safety issue. We need to feel safe. Even while the maelstrom may be going around us our joi de vivre can remain intact.

Life is Precious

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Reading the Signs -Ella Risebrow

Dear ella, I have posted this in my blog at take a look. Send in your website adress for a link  love AM

This is a time for merging and emerging. The earth herself is constantly shifting and changing, ever evolving.

She has always done so and there was once a time when our ancestors were in harmony with her and were able to read the signs, therefore minimizing catastrophic outcomes from natures cathartic outbursts.

Recently all the Animals in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka, evacuated and fled to higher ground, hours before the Tsunami hit.  200 Asian Elephants, crocodile, wild boar, leopards, water buffalo and grey langur monkeys, .

 How many of us read these signs now?

For some of us life has become so convoluted and complicated, Chasing Rainbows, trying to achieve an illusive lifestyle that exists somewhere in the future, meanwhile missing out on the life that is glowing within us and all around us right now, this moment. Forgetting our feelings and the infinite wisdom that speaks to our hearts.

 Simplicity is the key. Taking time to smell, hear, see, feel, care for and be the roses. To re unite with the infinite wisdom within. To count our blessings. and bless others with intent, thought, word and deed.

Blessings to you for 2005,  may your heart sing always in tune with universal melody. TR8V Ella




signs of Earth changes

This is a time for merging and emerging. The earth herself is constantly shifting and changing, ever evolving.

She has always done so and there was once a time when our ancestors were in harmony with her and were able to read the signs, therefore minimizing catastrophic outcomes from natures cathartic outbursts.

Recently all the Animals in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka, evacuated and fled to higher ground, hours before the Tsunami hit. 200 Asian Elephants, crocodile, wild boar, leopards, water buffalo and grey langur monkeys, .

How many of us read these signs now?

For some of us life has become so convoluted and complicated, Chasing Rainbows, trying to achieve an illusive lifestyle that exists somewhere in the future, meanwhile missing out on the life that is glowing within us and all around us right now, this moment. Forgetting our feelings and the infinite wisdom that speaks to our hearts.

Simplicity is the key. Taking time to smell, hear, see, feel, care for and be the roses. To re unite with the infinite wisdom within. To count our bl
essings. and bless others with intent, thought, word and deed.

Blessings to you for 2005, may your heart sing always in tune with universal melody. TR8V Ella

Mysteries and strange events

** Jumbo squid wash up in California **
Hundreds of dead squid up to 1.8m long have washed up on beaches in California's Orange County, puzzling scientists.

Are these angel manifestations.Circles of light appearing in windows

Friday, January 21, 2005

Angel poem –there is a hope…….

Angel poem –there is a hope…….

There is a hope
that longs for itself.
All day
and all night
it roams
from house to house
helping itself,

to be free.

The Tsunami and the planetary grid

The Tsunami and the planetary grid
Q: Wouldn’t the planetary grid be seriously disrupted by the earthquake and tsunami?

No. The present grid was only just recently put into place by the Ascended Masters, my connection being Ashtar. The Earth was simply adjusting itself to this etheric grid pattern. It is now closer to be in alignment.
Previously during many recent droughts the grid was changed. It seems it needs to be hot and dry (fire) for this to happen. The fact that recently there were many connected blackouts (see blog Earth changes and Blackouts) seems to support this. The earth had changed its potential and as all electrical systems rely on having an earth as a negative pole all the systems were under pressure due to increase in he potential difference and thus larger flows. Some components were not designed for these and so went fzzzz. Does this sound feasible?

CityScape keepers guild

CityScape Keepers Guild
The CitySpirit and the CityScapes.

Each city has an angel. It is an Intelligence that tries to bring harmony to the hearts of the inhabitants and prepare them for love in their lives. With angel eyes it can be seen above the city. I call it CitySpirit. This spirit can be worked with using patterns (or signatures) which I am calling cityscapes. Just as the angel patterns are creating the landscape features and landscape temples so they can be invoked (imaged) to create Cityscape templates.
The people or places who are involved with this work are called the CityScape Keepers and they form the CityScape Keepers Guild. They are anchors for the current pattern that the CitySpirit is bringing down. The value of this is that the benign forces that are allowing us to breathe safely are being acknowledged and the central intelligence of spirit can then begin to operate in the various day-to-day levels such as town planning.
The city itself can then ‘breathe’ freely. These goals can be aimed for and achieved.

Story of London and the Earth Stars
In his book “Earth Stars’, Chris Street explains the discovery that the city of London is built on an ancient pattern laid out upon the earth that reflects the stars at night. The places of this pattern can still be visited and form an interesting pilgrimage. Canberra, in Australia is another ‘planned’ city.

This is an extract from my book, the chapter titled ‘angels in the city’ copyright 2004


Thursday, January 20, 2005

coloured lights in sky

These kind of lights appeared in my dreams perhaps 6 months ago. These kind of dreams I have found always come true. I am predicting an increase in this. Note the date 4th Dec 2004 the same day as the emerald clouds appeared in Melbourne

Tsunami and the golden ones,angels of China

wu wei is in China.This arose from our discussion about angels in China. The closest expression they seem to have is 'the golden ones'

as for you comments about the tsunami after effect: on the sunday in question, i did not experience the bad dreams or discomforts as others had, but was simply told by my guides that there would be many more golden people coming to the world. when I heard of the disaster i was shocked. it was always my impression, as of yours, that the many that passed over to a new reality during this event went straight to the golden realms. > >ovr teh course of the last few days, i have been going thru a massive soulsearch, not alwyas easy but certainly necesary. i know that my path or price is not as great as teh ones who gave thier lives, and I know that Gaia' s hurt and pain must be a million times what i may feel. I am finally become vegetarian again, a state i'd been wanting to return to for some time but always seemed to find excuses to avoid. although i am always grateful daily for the sun and the moon and the stars and the sparkle on the ocean, i find myself looking at these luminous bodies with a new recognition and an old friend, so accostomed to that if had
forgotten to properly look at her countanence. > >i've slowed down, i'm breathing deeper, im paying more attention to the demands of the moment. i'm grateful to everything and all, but i'm particualy grateful to the one who forced me into looking deepre at myself and to making changes that i never would have contemplated on my own. > >i'm confident all will be not just well but wonderful: that even the most seemingly difficult of obstacles will topple over like a kid's tower block. > >as we find our way into the new world, i know that majesties upon majesties await us, as we the children of gaia walk with her hand in hand as we make our way together into the New Earth.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

purple and cream double monad auroras

Notice both the purple and cream colours and the rays of light coming down. see post. The purple Monad .this one shows the cream monad. Note the purple and cream monad is a double like a double flower as distinct from a twin that was the gold and silver monads.

Here is another one. you can see the flower nature here

Oceanic consciousness

What does the ocean remember?

When you enter into the ocean to go swimming do you think the ocean may be conscious of you? When you are swimming is the ocean conscious of you/ Does it have the potential to be conscious of you? And when you leave can it remember you? Do you remember it?

What does the ocean have in its memory banks? Does it remember Atlantis? Can it learn?
These are mysteries, mysteries of the Ocean.
Who is the goddess of the Ocean? What about King Neptune, what did he do?
What invisible forces are working here?

Reply to and visit

THe Monad and the God spark

The Monad and the God spark

What is a monad?
In some references the Monad is defined as the God-spark that is in each and every one of us. It sounds really nice, elegant. The difficulty here is “what is God? Everyone has their own idea, so how many ideas does that make? How can we agree on what is a God-spark? To me, the heart that feels and loves is a God-spark. You no doubt will disagree with me. No one is right, or, we are both right.
The monad has many facets, and they all reflections from the One within. They are all valid.
I define a monad as the doorway to expanded consciousness. We are all growing, and as we expand we come into contact with what seems unfamiliar to us, and then we absorb that experience. There is no end to our growing just as there is no end to Love. There is no end to our exoanding, but there is structure in our expanding. Just as a tree has a form so our consciousness tends to a form and that form is the monad. Little by little as we come in contact with it, we clarify that form, and this allows us connectivity to all those with the same monad structure existing within them. The monad is especially similar in soul groups. This is reason for the existence of the psychic children. Their monadic connection is clear. Telepathy , for example is natural for them , and does not even need a definition. Just as we naturally see, they naturally communicate. As we develop we can have this too. And many other wisdoms and powers. Just as our God may have.

Do not confuse the monad with the permanent atom or the angel seed. These are explained in my books.
Q1 How does the monad manifest into the physical?
Q: What is its connection to the 12 strand DNA?

Reply to and visit

Monday, January 17, 2005

Tsunami gold and the World NDE

Tsunami Gold and the World NDE
Continuing on from the Tsunami and the World Heart article 6th Jan
14th Jan
I experienced this visualization. The tsunami people were rising out of the ocean and walking the golden path towards the sun (as in the photo above). They let go of their flotsam and jetsam on which they had written messages such as “I commend my soul to you’, the you being both us and the ocean.

The feeling was of rapture.

It reminded me that several people had told me of photos of people, which showed golden auras, who within a week of the photo being taken had died. Another lady told me she had a premonition a person would die. This occurred on several occasions and scared her. I told her that this is a useful skill to develop because people need to know when they are going to die, so they can be ready, though we should always be ready. Our ‘passing over’ is already giving us a signal in our auric field and gets stronger as we get closer to that time.
I also saw photos, taken on several different occasions, of a young boy’s gravestone that was surrounded in emerald and gold lights.

16th Jan
Today marks the beginning of the fourth week since the tsunami. Many people offered flower wreathes to the ocean. Somehow they know that the ocean has taken up the consciousness of those who had drowned. The ocean not just near the earthquake site, but the Ocean all over the world.

The Ocean now demands our respect.

I noticed a picture in the paper of a group of surfers who had formed a circle in the surf in their remembrance ceremony. It reminded me of my experience on 29th Nov where the coming of the monad was heralded by a circular rainbow around the sun which slowly changed into a snow white ring. (See my blog at
titled ’the coming of the Monads cont’ Jan 4 2005 )

The World Near Death Experience.
It occurred to me that we are all in a near death experience process. Just as those who have had near death experiences come back with special abilities and powers as well as a deeper respect for life, and a sense of peace, this will come to many of us.

According to the NDE process given to me by Archangel Raphael there should now be 3 weeks of deliverence, representing the three stages of release from earthly life of those who had died and the three stages of return of a New Spirit for those who survived (all of us). This will be followed from about Feb 6 (for 2 weeks) where many (perhaps millions) will experience heightened sensibilities, even might I say enlightenment. This will include a greater love and understanding for the Earth and the Ocean and her processes.
Let me know of what comes to you. love Angelman

Jan 18 Seven goddesses came to me today beginning with Tara goddess of compassion. the dead asked me to be a voice for them. Nearly 2 million Muslim prayed in Mecca. Carl Jung came in my dreams to teach me the Law of Eros

There are two new articles here. One is called ‘Oceanic consciousness’ and the other ‘The Monad and the God-spark”

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

angel monad clouds list

The coming of the angel monads gives some explanation for the disruptive weather patterns we have been experiencing over the past years. Because of my experience communicating with angels and spirits, I have had the honour of being an assistant in the coming, and the recognition of these great beings. You may not believe me, but still you would do well to open your minds to the possibility.
The angel monads first showed themselves to me in the form of spectacular storm clouds.
The monads arrive first in the Upper atmosphere where they manifest as auroras then as they enter more closer to earth their interaction with the atmosphere activates storms usually of a line squall nature where the air is rushing upwards and downwards very fast but sometimes as tornadoes and water spouts, all with hail, or snow at unseasonable times. Later they enter into our realm where they begin the process, in an unassuming way, of transforming aspects of our human consciousness. They are 'group consciousness' beings, akin to a galactic whale.
Here are some amazing photos which capture these manifestations quite well. I was very excited to find them.
White or first monad cloud looks like this
2001 Blood Monad
none available
Green or Jade Monad clouds look like this

Blue Star Monad clouds

Gold monad cloud with rainbow

Violet monad cloud
2004 Emerald cloud

Refer to or for books on angel spirituality and angel psychology as well you will find some angel poems

Stairway to heaven clouds

Andrea and Brett tell of this experience: There were rays of light coming down over the ocean at Hawks Nest beach. There were no clouds. I said these were called by the angels ‘angels secretions’ though some people call them ‘fingers of God’ or “yods’. The angels are ascending and descending them like a stairway to heaven. Brett said ‘Yes they even looked like they had steps.’ They were probably connecting with the dolphins. At the same time at a different beach when I sat down I began rocking.Then a pod of 8 or 9 dolphins came close by gently rocking at the same rate. I had a beautiful angelic experience seeing colours of lilac and rosepink entering into my consciousness. I was in bliss that night for hours jst remembering. (This is called the angel’s memory) for angel psychology and angel spirituality as well as angel poems

unknown energy surges continue to hit planet

Note this article from aRussian lady. To me she is obviously referring to the monads

Unknown Energy Surges Continue to Hit Planet;

Global Weather Systems in Chaos
by Sorcha Faal
22 December 2004 29 December 2004 The URL of this article is:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Editor's note: The following report was released barely a few days before the Tsunami which swept South and Southeast Asia on December 26. What is important in this report is that it points to a pattern of major climatic disruptions. In fact several disruptive climatic events took place within the months preceding the dramatic events of December 26. On December 1, 2004 barely reported in the media, in one of "the largest weather events in recorded human history, 86,800 square miles of China was shrouded in fog, bringing transportation systems (especially air travel) to a virtual standstill throughout the country." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December 22, 2004 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to the Russian Academy of Sciences An increasingly panicked global effort is now underway by the world's top scientists to understand an unprecedented series of 'blasts', energy surges, which the planet has been taking from an as yet unknown source which has been bombarding Antarctica with cosmic rays and disrupting Northern Hemisphere weather systems on a global scale. The first of these cosmic ray blasts occurred nearly 5 years ago and have been increasing in their frequency and intensity since the end of November. The once normally darkened skies of the Northern Hemisphere's Arctic regions are now in twilight due to these blasts. Wayne Davidson, from the Canadian Government's weather station at Resolute Bay, located in the Arctic Circle, says about this mysterious lighting, "The entire horizon is raised like magic, like the hand of God is bringing it up." On December 1, 2004 the largest recorded blast sent not only shockwaves through the world scientific community but also through the Northern Hemisphere resulting in one of the largest weather events in recorded human history when 86,800 square miles of China was shrouded in fog, bringing transportation systems (especially air travel) to a virtual

refer to for info on angel psychology and angel spirituality as wellas angel poems

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

FW: My experience - 26/12/04

>From: "helen lindsay" <> >To: <> >Subject: My experience - 26/12/04 >Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 07:37:10 +1100 > >Hi Allan, >Happy New Year ! >I thought I would share my experience early hours of 26/12/04. Please feel free to pass the information around. >We (family) were driving home back to the Central Coast from outer Sydney at 12.30 am after celebrating Christmas with Husband's family. After getting on the freeway 1.00am I looked up into the night sky and noticed the moon shining but it had a orange glow around it, it was incredible and beautiful, with clouds in a sweeping formation surrounding the moon. The cloud formations appeared to me like individual angels swept across the night sky reaching towards & surrounding the moon. I made a comment to my husband saying it was the most beautiful and amazing sight I have ever seen, Wonder if it means something ? . When we arrived home around 2.30 am I looked up at the night sky which was clear by then with a definate orange glow surrounding the moon. I heard later of the devastating Tsunami overseas. >Helen

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The Tsunami and the World Heart

The Tsunami and the World Heart.

Continuing on from post "The purple double monad" Jn 4 2005

I was told the purple monad would come to the surface one month after Nov 29. I was concerned about what would need to happen after it reached the surface, how it would make itself known. When the 8.1 earthquake happened south of New Zealand on Dec 23 with no loss of life I was relieved, I felt I had done my job (i.e make the monad aware of the preciousness of human life). Obviously my effect was only in this area. (Australia)

Dec 26 came the tsunami. As of today (Jan 4)144,000 people had lost their lives. I am saying ‘sacrificed for the opening of the World heart.’ Notice that this is also the number for the Monad . My explanation for this is :
This monad has not been to Earth for maybe twelve thousand years. At that time, sacrifice of human life was common, usually in terms of the Nature Gods, fertility etc. It is rife in the Old testament. But sacrifice is not appropriate for this time. This being did not know this. Yet how else could it announce its coming to humanity, in a way that they would listen and take notice? What more dramatic entrance?
Poverty in these countries has been unaddressed for so long. How else could their condition be addressed than through some ‘sacrifices’? Life should be honoured so much more.

Concerning ‘sacrifice’
Many times I talked with Raphael about the number of dead at so so many disasters. Deep down in the human psyche is a belief in sacrifice. Even to many, the death of Jesus is still an example of the supreme sacrifice. To terrorists sacrifice by killing others is considered a ‘must’ for heavenly rewards. The value of one human life can never be overestimated. It is beyond ‘sacrifice’. It is so precious. Even angels would like to have some.
I worked with Raphael and we proved that accidents and evolutionary major shifts can happen without deaths. But it requires a lot of conscious-ness on the part of people, and a willingness to listen to the angels, and talk to them. It is so sad when heart-openings are not embraced except through accidents and disasters. And when the official line on weather changes and earth changes is ’This is normal. Don’t panic.’ Only by being conscious can we accept the new and feel empowered, and contribute to the evolutionary shift, and have hope.

The Stingray bay drownings Jan 2.
Several people were swept away by unusual waves at Stingray Bay.(Victoria) I remembered that when I first had contact with Purple Monad at Halloween she came as the goddess Electra moving as an angel ray (stingray) moves. This is its totem animal. This reminds me of this story that happened with me.
I live by the river. There are many angel rays here, some up to one metre across. There are very few fish. I looked out my window one day. A boy was fishing on the wharf. I felt sorry for him, remembering that when I was a boy there was lots of fish to be caught here. Then I saw he had something on his line, something big. When I went out he had caught a very large angel ray, and the ray was very angry. They cut the line but the hook was still in the ray. I was upset, for both of them Then I heard the father call the boy’s name. It was Raphael.

Since Jan 1 I have felt the presence of the saints in the water currents of the atmosphere. I felt the spirits and bodies of the dead had merged into the life force of the planetary currents and tides. This kind of thing had happened to the space shuttle Columbia. Seven people’s spirits merged with the upper atmosphere, and at 9/11 where more than 2000 merged their bodies into the lower atmosphere of the planetary body.

I have also felt a new kind of etheric healing fire streaming from my hands and arms . I am assuming this comes as an opening of the planetary heart, and represents a step for humanity, equivalent to the bringing of fire to Earth (in Greek mythology, by Prometheus). The potential for healing remains to be discovered.
I felt this strongest while waving my hand from my window when driving. I could feel the energies, beautiful colours, releasing from me, and entering into the currents in certain areas. I noticed many other people were also doing this as they drove along..

Today I saw flotsam and jetsam.

Author is Allan angelman Moffatt. Email website blog address

angel love poem - haiku

The river runs by.
The sun, and the moon, go down.
Everywhere are twilight sounds.
I miss you.

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at else www.

look for the children’s angel poems and angel books
Blog address is

angel sleep

Is this happening to you?

July 6th traditionally is St Brigids day. I had one of those nights where I don’t sleep. I am laying down. I am being rested. My mind is tranquil, but my consciousness is wide awake. The dreams come. the dreams go. I am still awake. The night passes slowly. I am still rested.. I am in Angel Consciousness.

I call this kind of sleep ‘angel sleep’. The angels are sustaining me during my normal sleep phase. Sometimes an angel visits , or a goddess, or an Ascended Master. We may talk. I feel the presence, and I sense it in my breath.

It only occurs on special days. Often the 26th of the month or the last day of the month. I have had many visions of Brigid especially in her wedding veils ,and on this occasion I received a blessing.

I find it interesting that in all the old Indian yogic books this kind of sleep is much sought after and called ‘samadhi’, or sometimes ’enlightened wakefulness’. To me it is just a blessing. I am not seeking after it. It is there or it is not.

I decided to write about it. The angels must have been hanging around the corner. I dreamed where I had been in a coma. In my coma I called out ‘’Buddha’. When I awoke in my dream from my coma ,I found I had nothing. Everything had been taken from me. Even my clothes. People had lived on while I slept, developing their skills, and, my ideas. But I had not. In my dream I experienced deep grief crying out ’how long had I been asleep for.’ The grief was for the time I had lost in sleeping. And the catching up I needed to do would be in ‘fast forward’.

Yet isn’t this ‘coma sleeping’ the normal state. For all of us. We are all sleeping, in some aspects of ourselves. We are all in a coma. And we need to be awakened. That is the meaning of the ‘Sleeping Beauty story. She is awakened by the kiss of love. How do we have that kiss. Only can we have the longing, in our sleep to be awakened. And to be open to the possibilities. And I might add, not be in denial about our sleeping.

Children and Angel Sleep
I do a little drawing for children called an angel signature. This is very powerful to call in the angels . I tell the children to draw it in the air before they go to sleep. This will call in the angel and they will look after you through the night. Even if you are having a bad dream the angel will still be there.

The Angel Seed
I always tell people about the angel seed. This comes in at our conception along with the male and female seeds. But it remains dormant in us. Until such time as it is awakened. The angel signature and the angel dance will do this. Some clients have told me that all of a sudden after 9 months they begin seeing angels everywhere. This is the birthing. The angel seed has been growing in normal time, just like a foetus, in the womb of our angel consciousness. And it continues growing in this way, with love and much nurturing from the angel and saints and goddesses, and ourselves.

On Angel Sleep and the 3 attentions
It is well known the brain has alpha, beta and theta states. Corresponding to these are what are called the three attentions. The first attention occurs when you are aware you are dreaming. The second attention occurs when you watch the dream and have the ability to interpret it at the same time. The third attention is when you consciously interact with the dream via the dreaming principle to create a different future. It is by dropping to the third level of the theta that instantaneous healings can occur (miracles). Divine interventions are possible though sometimes this may not even occur until the point of death. It sometimes takes facing death for us to surrender, and enter the third realm. Sometimes it doesn’t work.

The three attentions and the angels.
Just as we have a dreaming body in which we have dream experiences we have an angel body in which we have experiences of angels. This may be conscious or unconscious. We will usually either see them or hear them or feel them. These are called the visual, auditory and sentient channels. We usually develop our experience in only one of these channels. But we must learn to develop all of the channels in order to have a fuller understanding of the angel life.
In our interaction with the angel world, if we have developed them, we can also use the three attentions in this way:
1). We can know that angels are contacting us.
2).We can be conscious of the scenario unfolding .
3). We can take part by asking for more details about the message, and then taking part in the intervention .
These three attentions we can develop.

The three states and the three suns
These three states also correspond to the three suns (at the centre of the universe, at the centre of the galaxy and a the centre of the solar system) and the three levels of incarnation: universe-al, galactic and solar.
The energy for these can be felt ,pre-sunrise, post-sunrise, and during the day, or at sunset. The moon is very significant as a quantifier, or director, or gate for these energies. So the importance of Sun-Moon interactions, such as eclipses cannot be overestimated.

Ascension Bodies
This also means that there are 3 waves of ascension , solar, galactic and univers-al. W e pass upwards through them, gather our ascension bodies and return to Earth with a new found wealth of wisdom

At this time the solar angels or Elohim are bringing comfort to us secretly, and secreting it into our energy fields, whether we are conscious of it or not. The more we are awake, the more we can be inspired to move in the direction that Nature and the Creator is longing for us. The less we are awake, the more we will be inclined to accidents, trauma, and drama.

Let’s follow the easy path. Be awake.

Afternote. The next day, after typing this, there appeared in the local newspaper ,the story of a 5 year-old girl who had been in a coma for 6 months, after falling down and hitting her head. In Spirit I talked to her. She’ s Ok but her parents needed some sorting out. I asked my angel Raphael what to do. We breathed (puffed) kisses into their aura, to help them awaken. An awake child cannot live with sleeping parents. There is nothing there for them.

What does it take to awaken from the Dead (sleep)? What do we need in order to deal with the input of the new Life. When we see all around us the walking dead. What kind of courage do we need in order to stay awake when everyone else is sleeping? Deep Courage!!!

About the author
Allan angelman Moffatt lives in Australia. He is author, poet, acupuncturist and creator of Raphael’s Celestials,( essences and vials for miracle healings and many mysteries.)
His website is
else Some angel poems can be found here and free extracts from his books are available.

My harmonic concordance experience 9th Nov 2003

My Harmonic Concordance experience 9th Nov 2003

My dear fellows,

I arrived at my appointed place, at my appointed time.(local time). I was to begin my ritual. I was reluctant to get started and anxious to finish. There had been such a buildup of expectation, which, for me has always carried disappointment with it.
It was midday. I was by the river near where an old aboriginal sacred site had existed. This was sacred ground.
I looked to the left and I looked to the right, and marked out with bracken fern fronds, the positions on the ground , corresponding to the position of the planets in the chart. I tuned into Archangel Raphael and the angels. H bade me walk the circle and then talked me through it (the ritual).Being familiar with my own conception pattern I recognized that this was also a conception pattern. At some point , perhaps between the positions of Uranus and the Sun I had to walk backwards (undoing). And then it was finished. Nothing obviously remarkable or magic. No bolts of lightning, or did I miss something?

Soon after I went to the beach nearby and spotted a pod of dolphins coming. As they got closer I noticed there were many, many dolphins right next to each other like sardines in a can. Then a big wave came, and about 20-30 dolphins rode the wave directly at me. They were so close together in a line they may have been holding hands(flippers). I was quite impressed. Within three minutes I noticed clouds had formed in the sky, one in the shape of an angel, one in the shape of a dolphin. But when I looked closer they both had colours in them like a patina ( or like oil on water).The angel had pink and white like I had seen on Raphael’s wings , and the dolphin had a short rainbow. I thought maybe I was imagining it. So I asked a man and his child nearby. He said definitely, there is a short rainbow column. I walked away wondering what it all meant. Several weeks later I saw a similar cloud in the shape of a whale.
My main impression for the HC ritual had been of a conception pattern but now I feel it was more an activation of a conception seed.
This may prove itself as time goes by. This would mean we are in a womb phase with our HC spirit body at the moment until such time as the birth (about Aug 10)

Since Nov 9 I have had significant event days. They were associated with past life releases. Notably Jan 1 (52 days from HC) where I restored my spirit by calling back all my angels and spirits: Jan 31 (80 days from HC) where I called back all my gifts and powers: and Feb 28 (108 days from HC) where I called back all my “cookies”, angels of memory connections. The next significant event I am predicting at April 4(144 days from Nov 9). I feel in me just now a Merkabah type light pattern in my kundalini channel (ancestral channel). This is a sacred time.

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books


angel monad clouds

Angel Monad Clouds
The image in the attachment shows beautiful cream-yellow mammatus storm clouds from Newcastle morning herald Dec 20 2004. The headline reads above
Mini tornado leaves trail of suburban destruction
And below
Storm’s wild beauty

Here at Tea Gardens , on the edge of the storm there was a beautiful cream yellow sunset, without clouds, and filling the whole sky. The water was a deep indigo blue colour. (my photos later)
I noticed on TV in the Sydney storms the sky was also this colour.

This kind of cloud is I have noticed associated with the Monads. This one having the colouration of the Datura flowers which I had mentioned in my previous email ,and coming at the time I predicted, but not in the way I predicted.

I have been following the coming of the monads for 4 years and I assure you each time similar storm clouds have appeared with the colouration of that year’s monad. Often there has been a photo in the paper. You can feel the monadic energy in the air when these things are around, the power and the majesty. That’s how I recognize them!! They are not just a storm.

I dreamed that for a time whatever we drew in the air instantly manifested in the clouds. So if we drew a smoke-ring in the air a smoke-ring instantly appeared in the clouds. If we drew an arrow in the air an arrow instantly appeared in the clouds. This kind of dream I find are coming true. This phenomena is related to Grail consciousness. Previously I had dreamed where coloured flashing lights were manifesting in the sky. I have only heard of one example of this. It was in the Blue mountains . If you have seen or heard of anything like this please let me know.

Many people from all around the world sent me feedback on my last email, so I am trying to set up a blog linked to my webside so these sharings can be shared with all. I would like you to include unusual , strange and rare events as these often give signs about what is to come for us. If you have experience with blogs and can help me with this let me know.
I will put in the blog previous articles about the monads so you can have the background material that has come to me (and others) and let it build from there.

Here is last year’s Violet monad cloud

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books

Violet world peace

Update 11.5.03
World Peace, World War, World Threat, the World Angel (Violet Monad)
Inspired by Raphael, Archangel of Healing
World peace already exists, as an energy, and as a force. In the same way World war
already exists. There will always be the possibility of war. Yet there will always be a
choice. You can choose. You can choose to see and take part in war, or you can choose to
see and take part in peace. You can have peace and fight. You can have war and be
loving. But some people think that if there is Peace on Earth then they will have peace in
themselves. This is an illusion. Do you really think George Bush will have peace after the
war? Some people are saying "No war’, yet they are looking at war. This is giving energy
to the War god. By singing "Give peace a chance’, they are giving thoughts back to the
Peace god.
The Enemy is within us.
When we feel we are victims then we create enemies. But our real enemy is ignorance;
not knowing what is going on; on the other side. Any ignorance is our enemy. And
knowledge is power, not guns.
We are under threat by the Violet World Angel
This was brought home to me in this way. I sent a friend an email called ‘This is spooky’.
It was about wish-fulfilment. Yet it had a condition line. I did not notice this, yet that is
all she saw. She saw it all as threat. She could have chosen to take part in some wishing
but she chose to take part in the threat. I wondered, where is the threat coming from.
Really. Then it hit me. We are threatened by change, be it revolutionary or evolutionary.
And from my talks with angels what is bringing drastic change this year is called the
Violet Monad . She is a World Angel. You could call her Angelme. The Angels are
saying that each year for 12 years, a new World angel will be arriving on Earth after
traveling on the pathway of Harmonic Convergence from the Great Central Sun. The
monads have a very large consciousness akin to a galactic whale. The Violet monad will
bring a transformation of our feelings of abandonment. All our complexes that revolve
around our abandonment will be threatened. For some, there whole life sits on a root that
is abandonment. They will feel very threatened. A very big tree will need to be pulled
out. This is a major operation.
Question! What did you do after the abandonment?
Manifestations of the Violet Monad
I am trained by the angels to recognize the signs. The new strain of deadly flu virus
coming out of China is one sign. If you are willing to evolve, the strain will pass right
over you. Some people would rather die than change, or in this case give up their feelings
of abandonment.
On Autumn equinox mar 21, there was a dust storm throughout the country followed by a
"line’ storm. It showed on the weather map as a line. Here where I am, this was followed
by a beautiful sunset with golden rays on a violet background. I had never seen this
before. Last year a similar line storm with green in the clouds heralded the coming of the
Green or Jade monad.
On Angel Gabriel’s birthday March 26th, the Angel was saying to me "it is not comets or
asteroids coming out of the sky that is the danger.’ The very next day a meteorite fell
with an eerie blue colour into the suburbs of Chicago and three U.S. states. A very bright
light was seen half as bright as the sun. The 2 meter wide meteorite was thought to have
broken into 500 fragments. ‘Fragments’ is also the word that the angels use to describe
the parts of the monad. These meteorite fragments seemed to just roll into the houses
without doing too much damage. Was this a manifestation?
The Importance of abandonment issues
Tribal Abandonment is Death.
In aboriginal tribes abandonment in the form of casting out was delivered as punishment.
It may have involved pointing the bone and meant death. In horse herds where there is a
pecking order, the rivals to the boss will be cast out. Similarly with bees.
The True Wishes
On the positive side this Angel will deliver us into our True Wishes. This is a magic that
is new on Earth. Look out for it. It is coming your way. I am seeing so much beautiful
violet, lavender and white gold light that I have never ever seen before.
Healing from the Violet monad (Angelme)
Call on this angel to heal your abandonment. Dance your Abandonment. Make a True
wish. Do this three times. Call on this angel to heal the Forsaken. Do this nine times. All
will be well. Blessings and Good Luck.
Update 11.5.03
Abandonment and isolation and freedom
On the day I first sent this out I noticed on TV that the Americans were printing leaflets
with a cartoon and a caption which said ‘We will not abandon you’. These were to be
dropped into Baghdad. These forces are operating at this level
Associated with abandonment is isolation. Fear of abandonment comes with fear of
isolation, and separation. But in life at the right time the child will separate from the
mother, or father. Then the feelings of abandonment will show their heads. They are there
for all of us. The positive outlook for abandonment and isolation is freedom and
connectedness. North Korea is going through its own drama of evolving from isolation
into freedom.
Prayers and wishes
Prayers are a form of wish. A new era of prayer fulfilment has been entered into When
the prayers are real the Angels are offering the prayers through you. You are one in the
Angel Consciousness. Then the prayers are bound to come into operation. They are angel
prayers. World peace is such a prayer. Angel intervention is such a prayer. Everlasting
love is such a prayer.
This story appeared recently in the newspaper.
A man had to cut his own arm off to save his life. His arm had been caught under a rock
when he was walking alone in a remote canyon.
He said he felt a surge of energy on the third day, which happened to be the National Day
of Prayer.
‘I may never fully understand the spiritual aspects of what I experienced but I will try’
‘The source of power I felt was the thoughts and prayers of many people most of whom I
will never know.’ It was May 1.
Update 31 may 2003
On the 16th May I had a strong contact. I walk on the beach and angel clouds appear in
the sky. On this day the sense of signs was strong. First a rainbow appeared and as I
watched the Violet Monad energy appeared in the clouds to the East. This was obviously
feminine, like veils with a golden edge in the sunlight. When I turned to look behind
there was the intensest blue conjoined clouds, to the west taking up half the sky. The sun
was breaking through its center so that it appeared like a massive spacecraft with light
beams shining from its center. It also looked like if it had wings as an angel has, they
were all folded up. Angel Raphael led me to what they call it: VIOLET13. I watched as
fisherman pulled in about 3000 large fish in the nets over 20 minutes, with reminders of
Jesus and the fishermen, and how I still can’t see how its done but there is an art to it.
The next day when I went into the library a little boy was pointing at a video. His mum
said that he couldn’t take it out. So I took it out. It was called Prophecies and Predictions.
It spoke of the Blue star prophecy of the Hopi Indians and of it being the last of 10
prophecies. All the others have been fulfilled.
I remembered the meteorite that had fallen in Chicago had an eerie blue colour. Also
there had been more than 500 twisters in the Midwest not long ago but this is what I was
getting from the angel.Raphael. He called it the blue Star-monad. It was a being with an
extremely large consciousness, not a physical star as such, but a being. A monad has 144
parts but a star-monad has 144 parts and 13 dimensions. A monad is like a galactic whale
but a star monad is coming in from universal space. Here is the possibility for a major
major expansion, unheard of. But like the whale as symbol of the unconscious, most of
this will be unconscious but the possibility will be there to make it conscious by uniting
all our little parts.
My intuition is that it is following the pathway of Harmonic Convergence and will enter
into the structure of the Harmonic Concordance, the lunar eclipse of Nov8-9. See This being will swamp Earth. My sense is it is associated with
Solomon, Sheba and a new Justice.
During June, Pluto passes through the same sphere as early this year and also at the
harmonic concordance. This will be a trial run. I would like to know from people what
their personal experiences are, especially on June 13 (the full moon and exact position of
Pluto) coming close to the equinox June 21. Note that it is 144 days inclusive from June
21 to Nov 11, the 11:11 stargate.
About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books

time,tide and angels

This is my latest offering: let me know what you think Angelman

‘Time and tide wait for no-one’.
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you knew your future, without a doubt? How often have you thought, ‘if only I had known then what I know now.’ How could you have the future that gave you the highest level of fulfillment? Where each highest choice led to the next highest choice? And the final choice was a beautiful passing-over. How could we achieve that?
Birthing is a time of great expectation yet how can we make Each Moment a time of great expectation? In each moment we are birthing the now, yet with our choices we are birthing the future and ultimately birthing our death. How do we make this as conscious as possible? The intimation is to do it in Christ Consciousness. Many great saints have indicated this. Yet at this time of great change what changes are happening in the Christ Consciousness? We know we cannot rely upon what has come before to take us into what is to come. So much change has occurred on Earth it is almost frightening. From my conversations with Archangel Raphael, the greatest change, or the greatest threat to our reality is the concept of time.
In our first communication he said ’Time as you know it will cease to exist’. But he also said ’You will see us as you see each other, face to face. It is a time between times. The early1500’s was such a time. When the great masters painted us they were seeing us like that: they were not representations. But we have changed now, so how do we look now?’
Later as our communications became more day-to-day and more like conversations I asked him more about time. These are his indications to date.
Our present time is based on planetary movements. It is solar system based; it revolves around the Sun. The Mayan calendar is based on galactic time. It revolves around the central point in the galaxy ( Sagittarius 26 degrees). This time ends on 20.12.2012. Then time will be freed from galactic bonds. It will become Universe time. It revolves around the Universe Centre Sun. This is a twin system (17degrees sag and 18 degrees sag). It is conception based. One time creator revolves anticlockwise and the other is going clockwise. Here is firther to what he said.
There is a time coming from the future and a time coming from the past. They unite in the Now. Here is freedom from time. Here is Mastery of time.

The Inner and Outer Suns –the Sun-gate
The Light that is within us, the Source, is the same as the Universe Sun (called Heart of Suns) outside of us. There are three possible stepdowns from inner light to the outer world, where the darkness may be seen when we close our eyes. Each of us is responding in those three stages according to our awakenings and our gifts. These three correspond to the alpha, beta and theta states of consciousness, which may or may not be activated in any one person. It is a play, of consciousness.

Deep Core
The Deep Core impulse from the Heart of Suns activates a corresponding impulse within the Sun itself, then within the Deep Core of the Earth, then within the Deep Core of the being, activating both the pituitary in the center of the brain, and the feelings within the heart, ‘from the bottom of my heart, I know’. Here is a Oneness. This impulse is then returned. Here is Communication. The sun can receive our communications. The sun is aware of our communications.
The Pulse of the Blood
We will feel these changes first in our blood, in its pulse. As the blood responds to the new frequencies, the personal blood pulse, the planetary blood pulse and the galactic blood pulse will be changing. Already the Sun has changed its magnetic polarity, in March 2000. This will trickle down to the earth’s core and then into our personal core. Our personal polarities will switch as we adopt our Universe-centred subtle bodies and our Universe-centred identities.
As this new solar impulse trickles in, it is having an effect on the tides and the colours, through its interaction with the lunar impulse. And not just the tides in the ocean but the tides in the atmosphere. We will begin to see some strange fish and bird migrations, as the etheric currents adjust. This will also effect insects and fertilisation of plants. If you are a farmer you know how important that is.
On August 2 2003 the Violet monad energies entered into the mountain chains on three levels: the deep crystal level, the violet middle level and the golden upper level. Next it will begin the transformation in the various government network systems and the law systems will start to shake up. A monad is a world angel with 144 aspects. Each aspect is distinct and different. Any one person can only receive the energy of one aspect. No–one can be a voice for the whole monad. Its consciousness is too large. We can only honour and evolve our connection with the aspect we are receiving, and honour the other aspects that they may evolve and share with us, and we can get to see the bigger picture.
Time is a turtle and I am angelman, weirdo to some.

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books

blackouts and earthchanges

This is the story of one man whose actions may have inadvertently triggered shutdowns in the powergrids all over the world during 2003.

This story is really going to stretch your imagination. It really stretches mine. Your gonna say ’he’s really out there with this one’. I cannot say its true. There’s a good chance its true. There’s a good chance its not true.
Sometimes we have to let go of the idea of ’this causes that’ and enter into the ‘all-together’ that is ‘magic’. There are some things that are impossible to prove, and some things happen that reveal mechanisms we had never in our wildest imaginations dreamed possible.

But first there is some theoretical background which may explain this event. There was no conspiracy. Conspiracy is for fear-mongers who thrive on paranoia and call it security. The desire to control arises from fear of chaos. Look at the awesome power of a volcano or a hurricane and we see how little we are. Only in surrender can we win, and that is a position of majesty. But surrender to life’s forces requires that we must even know ‘life’ has forces and that they can be trusted.
Those same forces are working in us.

As an acupuncturist on human beings I am aware of invisible energy systems working throughout the body in seemingly irrational ways. For over 5000 years the Chinese have developed the understanding of these systems and used them for healing. To heal is to evolve a system, when it has been stuck.

This whole Chinese thing is very strange to us at first. For example there is what is called a distal point. This is a point a long way away from the site of a problem that can be used to cure that problem .An example might be ‘using points on the hand or foot for a toothache’ A trained acupuncturist would sense the acupuncture effect and know the healing is working. It works well and strongly. But it is not logical ,to us. There is a point on the wrist called the Master point of the Blood-vessels which, when used affects all the blood vessels all over the body, at once,anywhere. Again not logical.

I have also worked with animals . They have acupuncture systems like us. It is theorized the Earth itself has an acupuncture system. I have worked with this system. I go to places (sacred places) and I can feel an acupuncture effect occurring by my very presence there. This leads to the conclusion some healing is happening to Earth and therefore Earth has some form of life chi moving throughout it. Maybe invisible energy flows.

I also work with angels and I feel their presence during healings. Sometimes I see them. Sometimes now I don’t have to physically be there. I just have to be there in spirit, in consciousness. The healing takes place. This is why I am called an angel shaman or angel medicine man.
Sometimes unevolved ancient spirits are trapped at sacred sites and need to be matured. This healing uplifts the whole area. The people around feel the release and the shift.

I was given a radionic diagram called a ’curse remover’. This helps remove these old beings. I live close by to a city. (Newcastle Australia). One day I ‘saw’ in Spirit some very old energies that were trapped in the unused coal mines and sewerage systems beneath the city. No light or colour was reaching them. With guidance from my angel Raphael, and good intentions, I placed a symbol for a certain area of the city on the radionics diagram. The aim was to clear the ’curse’, if there was one .Well, imagine my surprise when 5 days later on a sunny day, no lightning storms in sight, the exact same area had an inexplicable electrical blackout. There must have been chaos, as it was rush hour. Even traffic lights were out, and petrol bowsers and bank computers even. You would think people would be scared. But I have noticed this, that when there are natural disasters around, people begin to communicate. They may even talk to their neighbours. They may even be friendly. All the ‘buzz’ stops. Candles come out. Could be a public holiday?

With these things there is no telling cause and effect but I surmised that the electrical grid system had to shut down before the ‘curse’ could be lifted. The electricals had been holding it down.

Then wasn’t I bit shocked when on subsequent days the blackouts began occurring all over the world, like a domino effect. Here is the sequence; (there are others)

Buenos Aires was hit by a sudden blackout on August 6 2003.

The first major blackout occurred in the northeastern United States and Canada on August 14. New York City, Detroit, Toronto, Ottawa, Cleveland and smaller cities and towns in between lost power for hours. Some 50 million people were affected.

A few days later the Republic of Georgia was plunged into darkness. On August 18, 4.5 million people in Georgia lost power; the Tblisi metro ground to a halt and the water supply was cut off.

During the evening of August 23, Finland’s capital Helsinki and suburbs including the international airport at Vantaa were blacked out. Helsinki Energy was at a loss in explaining how a minor shortcircuit in a switching station resulted in such a widespread failure affecting over half a million people, in a country known for its first rate electrical grid.

On August 28 at the height of London’s evening rush hour, a massive power outage struck the city and southeast England. The blackout was blamed on a ‘fault’ in the national electrical grid.

On September 1, Malaysia’s bustling capital of Kuala Lumpur and five other states were struck by a massive blackout. Workers in the Petronas Towers, the world’s tallest buildings were trapped in elevators and, with signal lights out traffic in downtown Kuala Lumpur ground to a virtual halt. What made the event all the more perplexing is that blackouts are very rare in this country.

The next day, September 2, Cancun, Mexico also found itself plunged into darkness. The power failure struck Quintana Roo state on the Yucatan peninsula and two neighbouring states. Power was out for six hours and affected 3 million people.

Shortly after lunch on September 23, eastern Denmark and southern Sweden, including the cities of Copenhagen and Malmo, lost power in what was described as a ‘very unusual blackout’. Four million people were affected, including passengers stranded on trains and at Copenhagen’s busy international airport.

On earl Sunday morning ,September 28, another massive power failure struck Italy, leaving 57 million people without electricity. A simultaneous blackout plunged Geneva Switzerland into darkness. The blackout was later blamed on a tree hitting a high voltage transmission line in Switzerland.

One has to conclude a connection between these blackouts. And if it were the result of a planetary curse being lifted thank God, but the question must then be asked “What if there are more? What if this is part of a sequence of the Earth shedding her old past? How can we assist this in order to limit the destructive effects? And what will be the benefits that we must adjust to?

For the agents of these changes refer to my Monad stories. else

With thanks to New Dawn magazine

angels and olympics

Re:Olympic Games Visualisation
Speaking up for the Olympic spirits if I may be so bold, I feel to thank everyone who took part in the Olympic Games on a spirit level, and a heart level, especially in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. The promise of peace on Earth with passion seems evermore closer.

As we move towards Beijing 2008 I wish to remind you of the ‘meaning’ behind the symbol of the Olympic Games, the five linked rings. This will fit in readily with the 5 elements, intrinsic to old Chinese understandings.

Also I bring to your attention some little known trivia and its importance. The Olympic Games is held every 4 years. The path of Venus, as Venus moves through the sky, going above and below the horizon is also 4 years. This pathway forms a five pointed star or pentacle. This suggests the Spirit of the Olympics is being carried from one games to the next, by the energy of Venus (passion and love) and its ‘pentacle breathings’ in relation to the Earth horizon. These energies are getting very strong now. Remember the Venus eclipse of the sun on June 8, 2004. Following this Venus energy in spirit till the next Games can transform our passion.

Also, more trivia, the five points of a pentacle are 144 degrees apart. 144 is the frequency of the angelic monads. A monad is a group where all the 144 unique parts coming together make one. This could be all the countries coming together in peace. (For image of a monad see

Continuing in this vein, look for the astrological configuration of the Grand Quintiles of Oct 1 and Oct 28 , 2004. These are very rare planetary alignments where planets will form into a pentacle in the sky . They will be 144 degrees apart. (See or and then astrologicalmusings page).

And don’t forget the full moon of Sept 28-29 Michaelmas otherwise called Archangel Michaels birthday and World Angels Day (first full moon after the Equinox.):also ablue moon

About the author
Allan ‘angelman’ Moffatt is an angel shaman, author and acupuncturist. He says ’the job of an angel shaman is to make you aware of what you are ‘perceiving’ but not allowing yourself to perceive, due to a lack of understanding and inability to accept. I am telling you about the Monads and the celestials. Look for my ‘real children’s angel poems’ page and my ‘real love poems from angels for adults’ page and my e-book free offers soon at else

angels and blood and the Blood Monad 9/11

10.10.2001 Blood Ascension Day
On September 10 Australia time I awoke from a deep place. A goddess came into the room. She gave me a belt which had written on it in black, 11 Septembre 2001. She said 'It is to do with healing the Blood lines, like the Time lines'. ( see note 1) I pondered the numerology of 11.9.2001. I was soon to find out the significance.

Report for World Angel Day October 2001 From Allan Moffatt Australia

This is the 7th World Angel Day we have had in Australia. It was very successful & very powerful, an initiation. Snow fell, an angel's blessing. My Japanese friend said that they call it 'a fox's wedding'. Last year's theme had been on healing beliefs around trauma. The result has been a merging of timelines from the future & the past.
My angel, Archangel Raphael, suggested as this year's theme , turning curses into blessings & releasing us from the misuse of powers that would curse.
It comes from a passage in Numbers 22 in the Bible where Balaam who was given an order to curse the Christians has to turn back 3 times when his donkey sees an angel and refuses to take him. He then gives the Christians a blessing. It sounds a bit heavy for an angel theme but in the light of recent events I feel it is vindicated.
My Angel talked of the Earth's curse as being the source of this world-wide problem. I had to ask myself 'What could be the Earth's curse & what is a curse anyway. ' This is 'big taboo area'. Somehow I knew that it had come into existence when the Earth came into existence, when the polarity of Heaven & Earth was created. One night in a dream the Angel said to me ' The cure for the curse is the infinity sign. It takes the S for snake out of the curse & makes it a cure . Then I saw the infinity sign circulating within the centre of the Earth. So over days & weeks I kept visualising this. The Earth with an infinity sign moving within its core.

The Angel Secretions. “FINGERS OF GOD’
I had been working with a group of angels calling themselves the angel secretions. They had been manifesting themselves to me as Shafts of light coming down in the sky. But that is a different story. One Day I had 3 omens. I saw the word infinity when it was not written there, the number 33 jumped out at me, and I saw a shooting star when it was still light.
The next morning I was walking on the beach.. There was a cloud in the shape of a brain with a gap where the pituitary would be. Shafts of light were coming though it. Gradually over a period more & more came. The sunrise colours were beautiful as they changed. My Angel said there were 100 (=10 by 10 ie the 10th angel secretion ) Gradually they formed into a Golden orb on the sea and it grew bigger & bigger till I was inside one of the Shafts. It was stunning . I was bathed in iridescence of gold.

THE CENTRAL SUN AND THE EARTH’S CORE What I knew was that an impulse had been sent from somewhere a long way away, a place I call the Grand Central Sun . That Impulse had begun an exchange within the Earth's core. A remnant from past ages that was no longer appropriate was being returned to this Sun and a new impulse from it was bequeathed upon the Earth via its core. It just remained for it to come to the surface & manifest itself in our lives & in our planisphere. I tried to guess what it might be & I did not know if I were imagining thing.

One day I was asking myself 'What is a curse'. And I thought 'Some call Menstruation The curse, I wonder why? Then I thought 'Does the Earth menstruate, She is a Woman? What is her cycle, what is her Blood? And where does blood come from anyway? Scientists are unable to manufacture it. It is still one of those mysteries. The next day I had a leech get under my eyelid. I had to wait for it to swell and fall out by itself. I had tears of blood running down my face and I saw on the side of the road two huge snakes mating, twining around each other. This is the origin of the caduceus, symbol of healing.

Then I knew some more of the new energy's nature. The Angel said it was 'Holy Blood'. The Holy Grail has been said , by my guardian saint & > benefactor Joseph of Arimethea, to have been moved to Uluru in Australia from Glastonbury in England so it makes sense for the Holy blood to be here for the Holy Grail. But my Angel insists this is not the same as the Christ Blood. It is a blood which honours the Feminine and is for all races, all religions and all cultures. It came before all of these. It is not a physical substance but manifests more as a mist or currents in the air. It can enter into the earth and some have suggested it entered into the earth via Antactica and has been circulating in the Quartzite veins within the Great Dividing Range here in Australia
And then there was September 11. And the whole world had changed. Some people were calling this a sacrifice, a healing. In my 'story' this "Holy blood' had been waiting to surface & that event catalysed it. We are yet to know it's full nature but it's first resolution is an end to terrorism, Operation Infinite Justice.
I don't like the idea of sacrifice. It is based in an error in human thinking which has to be corrected by the realisation of the value of human life, of the immense possibilities & beauty that is available to a living breathing person on earth . Heaven may be wonderful but it is more wonderful on Earth. And that is where we are. I have seen this too often. The Earth & the Spirits of place are not being consciously acknowledged for the changes they are bringing and something happens. There could be joy but there is grief. I spoke to my Angel about this many times but I do not have a good answer yet. Some rituals may be useful. I think this is where the suppression of Paganism, which is only reverence for the earth, by the Christians created a void.

> THE ANGEL’S BLOOD AND THE BLOOD MYSTERIES The next exciting news the angel gave me was the possibility of'Angel's Blood'. He had told us that we shall see angels as we see each other. And that in the old days when the masters painted angels that is how they saw them. It is now another time between times. The Angel's Blood allows an interchange between people and angels via the blood mysteries. Angels can come closer to earth and we can more enter into > angel's consciousness & awareness. This is a necessary part of the evolutionary changes which are taking place. Blood will change. Diseases of the blood will still need to be healed but the possibility of experience via consciousness of the blood and the bloodlines is increased 'Golden fold'. A good visualisation I discovered was to imagine liquid gold flowing in my veins . It felt very Comforting. The words Angel's Blood seems to suggest some plant or flower. I know there is one called Dragon's Blood as I have sat within the branches of a 140 year old tree in Brisbane. And the sap in plant's is their blood. So maybe someone knows of an Angel's Blood' plant. I know there is an Angel's Breath flower. Perhaps we can have a new Quest, Quest for the Angel's Blood. To me the Blood mysteries are related to the Sphinx mysteries and to the Dreamtime Landscape Beings. If we deny the taboo, we deny the existence of the Shadow and we cannot change it. But surprisingly when we do change it the angel can be found in its full glory, and our fear of Angels will be gone or did you not even know you were afraid ?

All that remains is 'what is meant by the Blood lines & how to heal them before there is havoc on Earth.' One aspect would be to do with the races, another to do with the ancestors etc etc

Note 1; the Timelines are to do with patterns that run through our lives and throughout History. Gliches in them can be changed using various healing processes. The Bloodlines include Timelines of the history of the Blood and its evolution.
Spirit is wonderful
Life is precious

About the author
Allan Moffatt has a Bachelor of Science and of Acupuncture. He trained as an apprentice with Archangel Raphael from whom he learned many new skills. His work involves Angels ,Saints & Goddesses. He is probably a crank.

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books

Harmonic convergence harmonic concordance,

Harmonic Convergence, Angel Secretions ,Harmonic Concordance and Monads
Harmonic Convergence Aug 17 1987
Harmonic Concordance Nov 9 2003
Harmonic Concordance II Oct 28, 2004

Preface info
There are 3 suns; giving 3 levels solar, galactic, universe-al. The Elohim are the solar-originated angels.
This article may not be ‘scientifically’ correct. It is an intuition. Perhaps you can help me make it ‘scientifically’ correct. After-all that is what ‘proving’ something is, isn’t it?

The Harmonic Convergence of Aug 17,1987 was an alignment of planets. This alignment created a pathway to link the three suns so that light from all of them can now reach us. The sunlight we receive now has an element from each sun. The nature of the light from the three suns is different. It is estimated that the light from the second sun is 1/80th the light from the first sun and is more easily felt as the first sun is going down(sunset). It is estimated the light from the 3rd sun is 1/949 that of the first sun.

From 1998 the pathway began to open up. The Angel secretions were instrumental in doing this. The Angel secretions can sometimes be seen at sunrise and sunset with the rays and columns of light coming down, or up. You may have noticed an increase in this phenomena. Scientifically they are called crepuscular and anticrepuscular clouds.

First, there were 4 rays (2*2), then 9 (3*3) then 16(4*4)……etc. The Angel Secretions were ‘opening up’ the pathway to have a more ‘tunnel’ function. This continued over a period of about a year to the (5*5), (6*6),…to (12*12) . This was the final goal. To open up the tunnel to allow the Monads to come through. Their size is 144,000. A Monad is an angel or being equivalent to soul group consciousness. It resonates with the frequency 144 or 1000.

From 2000, each year a Galactic Monad has entered into the Earth’s field, then into our monadic energy fields, where we may or may not have been conscious of them.

In that year came the First monad or “clear’ Monad. Its healing aspect was belief in drama and trauma.
During 2001 came the Blood Monad whose healing aspect was sacrifice. That year was earmarked by 9/11.
During 2002 came the Green or Jade Monad. It came to expose ‘denial’.
During 2003 was the Violet monad and the Blue Star monad. This was the first Universe-al Monad. A univers-al monad resonates with the frequency 1000 and Christ consciousness. The healing aspect here was abandonment.
Later that year entered the Gold and Silver monads. There healing aspect was abduction. Both were Universe-al Monads.

The Harmonic Concordance of 9th Nov 2003 saw the ‘tunnel’ firmly established.

In 2004 came the Pink Monad and the Emerald Star monad.

During October 2004 there are 2 grand quintiles. A quintile is an astrological aspect of 72 deg and a biquintile is an astrological aspect of 144 deg.

First monad (the White monad) 2000
Blood monad
Pekka Parvainenn au17614

Green or Jade monad 2002

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and angel books

angel portents

The Portents
These are new angels appearing on Earth. They are telling about the future.
Originally , before coming to earth we knew all. We knew the past and the future. The Portents are to return our comfort through knowing the future. We are released from ‘fear of the future’. When the Portents first appear our ‘fear of the future’ will make them appear ‘dark’. The movie called “Mothman Prophecies’ depicts an early unenevolved form of manifestation of the ‘Portents’. I witnessed one, and at the same place and one week later I fell and broke a rib. Raphael called it a “trill’????. Another kind of trill is a bird’s call.
Recently I was reminded of an experience I had with the dolphins, when they made clouds of an angel and dolphin, each with colours like patina.(Read my HC story).
I found a feather with a purple iridescent patch on it. It was from a dove. It was almost as if it had been left there for me on purpose. Its message was to remind me of the ‘portents’, and that this is how they are appearing now. As iridescence in nature.

Here is the power of a feather

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and books on spirituality and psychology of angels

gold and silver monads

Monads update .On abduction
The gold and silver monads are continuing their entry into human awareness. At Easter they appeared to me on consecutive mornings in the sunrise fogs. At the Venus eclipse they appeared in the sunrise over the ocean on the morning before and the morning after. They appeared through clouds in the shape of a brain. This indicates they are entering into the physical and into intelligence. It is in the feeling, the bliss that comes with them that they may be recognized.
Some people have reported them entering into their body changing codes and matrixes. I can imagine what the feeling of the silver monad might be, which reminds me of a dream I had where it was creating some manifestations in the sky at night - coloured light displays. People were awe-struck, and scared.

The function of the Gold and Silver Monads is to begin the healings of the abduction complex. Fear of abduction is very deep in us, and actual abduction is a deep wound. I recently recognized that an unidentified fear I had was fear of being taken by the sea, by sea spirits. It was not fear of drowning but more like fear of never being able to go back on land. Some past life thing maybe?

Death is easier to bear than abduction. Recently a body was identified by DNA, to be that of a woman who disappeared 19 years ago. Imagine if your child were abducted. There could be no completion until they were found. If they are known to have died the completion can occur.

Though , if fear of abduction was strong in our lives we would see all our experiences through that perspective. Often we are not the source of that fear. We carry it, we live in it, but it is not even ours. But in a sense we have all already been abducted. We were brought here to Earth from somewhere, and we have a strong desire to go back home. Except this desire belongs to the part of us that has the fear, and once overcome we find our home is here on Earth. We can feel comfortable here. The Gold and Silver monads have come to heal that.
A monad is a kind of angel with a very large consciousness. Its effect is on soul groups.
Any one person cannot grasp all of its ramifications.

The next monad to arrive is the pink monad. It is bringing assurance. It announced itself on the day of the Venus eclipse, June 8 with a spectacular display of lightning over the Nullabor (a desert in Australia),18,000 lightning strikes were recorded in 24 hours. The next day a mini-tornado ripped through some Melbourne suburbs. Tornadoes are rare in Australia.

The Same Day I wrote this I received an email about a possible discovery of Atlantis in southern Spain. It notes that in the original writings about Atlantis, from Plato, he mentions a Gold temple and a Silver temple. Coincidence? Does this confirm that I am on the right track with this? These beings were last around at the time of Atlantis?

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and books on spirituality and psychology of angels

angels and sunbeams

To understand my explanation of the relationship between the Harmonic Convergence of Aug 1987 and the Harmonic Concordance of Nov 9 2003 you will need to know about the Angel secretions. Some people call these 'fingers of God’. This explanation I will post soon.

Story of Golden shafts of light
Something woke me up early. I watched as the Sun’s rays burst through a cloud. The Beams of Light rayed down, and formed into a Great Circle of golden light shining from the ocean. There was Majesty in the air. I felt they were the 144. Gradually, as time passed, the rays began to spread outward. They grew longer and longer, even reaching to the beach, where I stood. Soon I felt I was inside a column of golden light, imbued with the sheen of the different hues of gold. I was awestruck, and felt blessed at the same time. It was very comforting and tingly.

Story of Angel-Beams
I was in a country town. I watched similar beams of light coming from through the clouds. I almost could imagine angels, coming and going, up and down, each column of light. I felt that each was bringing an angel to someone; to someone special; their personal opportunity for angel intimacy. Several days later, a lady said to me ‘I can’t believe it. Everybody I’ve massaged in the last few days, has seen an angel’. It is happening! Be open!!

This ‘angels in shafts of light’ phenomena are called by the angels, the Angel Secretions. Angels are coming and secreting angel gifts into our energy fields secretly. We may just be aware of them. There are twelve angel secretions in all. This forms a Bandwidth. We can then listen to Angel Audio.

Extract from my book Angel Secrets and the Lost Arts, with Raphael by Allan ‘Angelman’ Moffatt


A sacrocranial therapist told me this story;
I worked on a lady. She experienced a powerful column of light come down through her crown and an angel came into her heart and spoke to her. There was so much heat that her hairs were physically singed in a 20 cent size area. After a few days the hair grew back. When I spoke about the Sun Columns she understood what had happened.

Do you have any angel phenomena stories?

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at www.theCelestials.comelse www. for the children’s angel poems and books on spirituality and psychology of angels

angels and astrology


I wanted to write about angels and astrology but it is such a vast subject so I decided to do it this way, beginning from my personal experiences and the insights they gave me.

To begin with I used a technique called ‘the angel’s danceÔ’. This technique I had developed as a result of some “channeled’ drawings I had done that I called angel’s signatures: simple but sweet. What I discovered early on was that the ‘the angel’s danceÔ’ actually evolves the angel aspect of me, from its lowest form to its highest form at that time , and also surprisingly it evolves the angel involved itself. This was a great realization. The angel actually learns from this. This is how they evolve.

I took my astrology chart, and ‘danced’ the planets in their positions, one by one. So if my Mars was having a negative expression, the dance, while bypassing all fears and commentaries, evolved it to its highest form at this time. Same for the Sun and Moon positions and other planets. Then I danced the planet aspects, that is, the interactions occurring between individual planets: this is equivalent o a relationship angel. My obvious worst aspect was Mars opposite Pluto sextile Neptune.

So each aspect between planets I explored.

Then I looked at planet transits: if a planet at any one time was strongly aspecting a planet in my chart, especially Pluto as it would bring up the deepest darkest secrets of a planetary configuration. So I had continued in this way and as time went on my intuitions about astrology increased.

As well Raphael would lead me on with his insights, such as ‘the time between times is very powerful’. Then I would have to explore what he was on about. In my chart I noticed my Moon position was on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius and also on the 11th and 12th house cusp. This has been very significant to me.

Raphael told me when I was conceived. So I explored the astrological aspects of that. He told me when I was to die. So I explored that; there are no guarantees here. All this was giving me a view of my life, as a whole, not something from beginning to end but a something that just was. As I worked with the timelines in all directions I was learning to identify key parts of my darkness that needed to be evolved and thus began to become aware of my life-history as part of Planet Earth’s life-history, as a multiflow. My life-time was as a gate into the planet’s life-times.

Then the Time-lords began to reveal themselves to me. These are the master beings who rule over the time cycles and sequences. I remember a dream in which the phone number for Dr Who appeared on the television screen, so I rang him up . He answered and we talked, clear as crystal. Then I knew that the Time-lords really were easily accessible.

I found that the same applied to Space except the masters were called Gridmasters, of which Ashtar was one and the Ashtar Command.

I did not meet any of the classical astrological archetypes such as Neptune. These are obviously not occurring in angel consciousness. They are perhaps too static, or form states of their own.

I hope something of this sets you thinking and perhaps can help free you in some ways from the thinking and philosophies of the past presented by goodness knows who and handed down goodness knows how many times. A new evaluation of the forces of life is to be required in line with the arrival of these new forces. The other worlds are changing rapidly just as this one is, perhaps more so. We need to acquire flexibility and spontaneity in order to respond to those changing worlds rather than rote learning and copying of others who copy others and so on, copying. Gifts unheard of are waiting for us and the angels cry out for us to be receiving of them. Their love is to give but they need you to ask.

Ask for a gift.

About the author: Information on Allan angelman Moffat can be found at
\else www.
look for the children’s angel poems and books on spirituality and psychology of angels

Lots of love
from Angelman.